do i love you ?

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sorry iv been having troubles uplouding .love ya comment and vote please.

alexsandras p.o.v

as i waited for maxi in my room i could here Jayson banging on the door and tell me that i was going to regret this .why didn't i see this coming i mean im i that stupid that i could not see past the kindness and love some one gave me even if it was fake.i heard the door bang but i dint move then i heard my brother yelling at Jayson and i hear a girls voice in the living room getting stronger as she came upstairs .then there was loud knocking on my door and i shrieked in surprise.but then i heard my best friends voice and calmed down a little

" migita open the door come on sweetie its going to be ok".

she always calls me that . just like my brother calls me mimi when am sad or angry . i got off the floor opened the door of the closet and went to the door but then i heard something that made me stop in my tracks.

" am sorry man .am sorry , i wont ever do that again. i was just playing around with her and she took it seriously " i heard Jayson say to my brother .

i cant believe that douche says he was playing around . instead of being sad anymore i was pissed . and that was the understatement of the year. i opened the oor to my room ignoring kats scream to not go downstairs . i launched into the living room and saw maxi about to punch him in the guts.

"max don't i dont care what you are about to say let me tell him something first " i told my brother he looked at me as if i were crazy but when he saw how pissed i was he stopped and stepped to the side of me .

" look Jayson i don't care how many times you apologize and say it was just a game ,cause i know it wasn't . were over. i cant put it in any way that makes it  clear ok .i think you should leave never come back , move change schools , the point is i don't want to see you ever again in my life and if me or my brother ever see you again it wont end good for you and you know it ."

i said the last part looking towards my brother who was beyond pissed that he couldn't hit Jayson anymore .

"i hope you know you threw away our friendship no one and i mean no one messes with my baby sister .and you dare to even speak to her or look at her again i swere to god she wont be able to stop me from killing you " maxi said and i knew that every single word he spoke he was telling the truth .

After jayson left i went straight up to my room .around five minutes later kat came in the room holding to tubs of ben and jerry and the movie the "last song" .

she new me so well . " kat what are you doing ?" i asked even though i sorta knew the answer . she was looking at me as if it were the most obvious thing .

"obviously we are watching a movie with ice cream and when we are done we are going to talk for hours because im sleeping over .also we are not going to school tomorrow ."

i loved my bestfriend for that reason she always knew what to say . "lol kat really ?ok sure am not even that sad . im just glad that it happened sooner then later ."i said but even as i sai that i was heart breaking inside i had loved him but i was just a game to him . i had tears prickling in my eyes they were about to fall but i was not going to let them .

"ay migita i know when your lying you loved him even if he was an asshole . and when you thought your dreams had come true . they all came crashing down but don't worry everything happens for a reason take this as a good thing . look at the bright side now your single and now you know not to buy the sweetness so easily you also know the real person he is ".

she was well known for her long speeches but it did help . i heard a soft knock on my door and my brother came in.

"you ok mimi" he said and his expression was sad all anger vanished as soon as he saw my blood red streaked face from crying .

"im ok maxi . thank you and don't worry everything is going to be fine ok "i said all of this after i had taken a deep breath i knew my brother was not buying it . i also new that he was now going to be extra protective

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