Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust Chpt 5

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Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

Chapter 5

Fear spreads through me chasing out any happy thoughts I may have ever had. I'm running, but not nearly fast enough. Trees turn into a blur of murky brown as I dodge tree trunks and jump over fallen branches.

Faster, Faster. I chant to myself, willing my legs to move like they have done before. I chance a look over my shoulder only to wish I hadn't. They're still behind me, getting closer.

There is not nearly enough vampire blood running through my veins to compete with the well fed male rogues chasing me.

Gasping for air I narrowly miss a tree and trip over the roots that are covered by fallen leaves. I flip onto my back and try to pull myself upright but before I can get my hair out of my eyes I am dragged to my feet, by rough callous hands that grip my arms.

I'm assaulted with the smell of dried blood, earth and another scent I can't name. The rasping breath of my three captors flows over my face, making me gag. I struggle and kick and squirm to no avail. Its hopeless, my beating heart betrays me as it pumps my blood in overdrive, luring the three vamps in.

More grubby hands pull at me ripping my top, exposing more skin. Sweat pours off me as I try with all my strength to get free. Sobs erupt from my lips as I shake and quiver.

"please, let me go. Please!" I beg in a small voice.

The three vamps look at me and sneer and grunt in disgust before one of them hits me across the face with such force that it feels as though a truck has hit me. I feel my eyes roll back as I start to fall into a dark abyss of nothingness, only to be pulled out by the excruciating pain coming from my arms and chest. I force myself to look down only to find three knives being dragged through me, then the rogues pull them out to replace the knives with their mouths as I scream in pain and shock.

"Ashes!" someone is shaking me, calling my name. "Ashes! Wake up damn it! Wake up!"

Someone is screaming. Someone is in danger, I snap my eyes open to find my room crowded with men. They are looking at me with worry etched into their beautiful faces.

"Ashes!" Dimitri yells, why is he yelling at me. He shakes me again as he leans over where I lie. "its okay, it was only a dream. Snap out of it." he tells me as his hand comes forward and slaps me across the face.

The screaming finally stops and I realise with horror that it was me who was screaming and that I'm still shaking as sweat pours off me and drenches my bedclothes and the white shirt that I appear to be wearing, part of my brain wonders why I am wearing one of Dimitri's Yves Saint Laurent shirts to bed.

The hand that has just slapped me now caress my face as Dimitri holds my gaze.

"it was only a dream Ashes, your safe. Nothing can hurt you here." his reassuring voice makes me angry with myself. I am supposed to be the Enforcer, strong and brave enough to kill the very things that were killing me in my dream. Instead, the King has to comfort me! While his loyal friends look on with increasing worry and no wonder they are worried, they have just witnessed there new Enforcer acting terrified from a dream.

Shame and embarrassment cause me to look away from the attention I am getting, staring at the wall opposite my bed, I clear my throat.

"I'm fine, you can..." but all that came out is a hoarse murmur and I start to cough as my throat close's up. How long had I been screaming for exactly?

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