Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

After greeting my nieces who were way too over excited to see me - Dimitri had fed them pancakes dripping with syrup, done the way I used to make for them - I wandered into my kitchen to find my mammy making a pot of tea and Michael, Mary, Kev, Dec and John sitting around my huge wooden kitchen table. It was a pleasant surprise to find them all so relaxed in my home. The men were talking about the local night club, Jinx, while Mary and mammy talked across the room to each other about the dresses we had bought today for the twins. I walked further into the room only to be met by sudden silence as Michael and Mary finally noticed me.

I heard Mary gasp but I was looking at Michael as his eyes widened and slowly stood. His expression shocked as he took me in. I stood perfectly still as he adjusted to the new me, I was just starting to get worried that he didn’t recognise me when a slow smile started to form on his handsome features. 

“Well well if it isn’t the wee sister!” Michael grinned as he pulled me into his arms and held me tight. I was careful not to hug him too hard. 

“whoa there little Nixy not too tight..” he tried to sound as though he was joking but I could hear the strain in his voice.

“Sorry bro,” maybe I wasn’t as careful as I thought. “I missed you.” I mumbled into his shoulder. Michael was the typical older brother and took his protective duties very seriously. Where as Kev was my joking best friend and John was my safe, serious but easy going brother Michael was the most secure, loving, and familiar man in my life.. Well that was until I met Dimitri. My father was the provider and loved my mother more than anything in this world. 

“so I hear you are a married woman now Nix.”

“yeah, it was kind of a…..surprise to me too.” I thought back to the night I first made love to Dimitri, was it really only a few nights ago? “It was a really really nice surprise though.” I rushed to assure my family when I noticed they were all starring at me strangely. 

‘I bet it was” Dec smirked at me over the rim of his mug. “How is the honeymoon so far?” 

If I could still blush I would have turned beet red as my mind quickly filled with images of Dimitri making love to me on our bed, up against a wall and in the shower. From the other room I heard Dimitri grunt and exhale a breath as he caught onto my thoughts. The twins distracted him soon enough though with their demands that he give them another pony ride. 

‘Declan Shanahan…” mammy chided. “Leave the girl alone.” she handed me a mug of tea and than sat her self down next to me. 

“your wedding planner called today!” Hunter grumbled as he came into the kitchen with his own mug of something special. I quickly eyed my family to see if they had any idea that their was  a vampire in the room and he was casually drinking blood in front of them. “she’s a right bit….”

“Don’t even think of finishing that sentence young man.” my mother commanded. 

I was surprised and a little comforted that my mothers tone of voice could even bring an ancient vampire down a peg or two. 

“Sorry ma‘am”. Hunter looked properly chastised.

He caught my look of elation, “What? She is the queen mother Nix.” he said defensively.

I scoffed at him as I ignored my mothers gasp of surprise. 

“And I am your queen, you don’t heal at my command like that.”

“Yes I do!” he said surprised at my comment. “every time you order me to do something I do it and mind you most of your commands are very dangerous. Not that I am complaining I love that you are all action. It is a privilege to watch you work.” he said with a wink and a smirk that was completely wiped off his face as I felt Dimitri come up behind me and place a kiss on my head.

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