An Imperial Affliction

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I know it's long, but please read it if you are planning on reading the book, now or in the future.

This book is based off a book I love The Fault in our Stars by John Green. John Green is my inspiration, and I hope that everyone who reads this book either reads TFIOS first or after they read this, whether they like this or not. 

I really thought about this, and whether I should make it. I know John Green himself based this book of Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace and The Blood of the Lamb by Peter de Vries. Both books, which I hope to read before 'finishing' this book. Though, I don't want to taint the image of what was written by such a well developed side character Peter Van Houten but I wanted this book to be real. I actually also want to add notes written by Hazel Grace Lancaster into this book about how she feels about it? Questions or thoughts, so I will probably do that. 

I want to write about Anna, about her life with her step father and her mother. Though I want to keep the ending the same. We never know how it ends, even I, the writer won't know how it ends, and though we all have realised Anna is the daughter of Van Houten and Van Houten himself is the father who moves away after she dies, I don't want that to come through. I want us all to read what really is, what Hazel Grace and Gus Waters read. I want to be the one who writes that.

I say Hazel is my inspiration, but that's a lie. John Green is. He is and should be the writers we all wish to be and though Hazel reminded Van Houten of the years his daughter could have had, Hazel reminds me of the years we all should cherish. You probably think I have planned this entire book but I haven't. I want to share the story of Anna with you all, and this will be a journey for me to write this book. I haven't even thought of how it will start, what Hazel thought of the start. 

But I will cope with that, and make this book my own, and I am no professional writer, I am an amateur, a 14 year old who's dream is to have John Green comment on this book, tweet it even. To have as little as 5 people read this, but I want it to make a difference in their lives. 

Attribution. Non-Commercial and No Derivatives;

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Under the following terms:
Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
Non-Commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
No Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. 

Anna, An Imperial Affliction and all other characters that aren't created by me, are owned by John Green and his publisher. I do not use any of his work commercially or for profit. All other work is my own and are mine by law. They can be shared but cannot be changed. 

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