My Lady- Thor Odinson

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Tony Stark definitely knows how to throw a party. Your probably wondering who I am? I’m Y/N Romanoff. Yes Natasha Romanoff’s little sister. But I didn’t have the life she had. She knew who our parents were before she was trained to be an assassin. I didn’t. I was fostered by many families and when I reached the age of 18 I ran away and I found out I had a sister and went to find her. Obviously I did otherwise I wouldn’t be at this party.

You see my sister has invited me so that I can get more friends

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You see my sister has invited me so that I can get more friends. It’s more like she wants more people to protect me. I currently at the bar watching everyone talking and laughing. “Come on, Y/N you need to go and meet new people. They won’t hurt you. I promise you.” I look at Nat and say “what am I supposed to say? Hi, I’m Y/N. By the way my sister can break your spine with her pinkie. To be honest Nat I don’t know why I am here. I don’t belong here.” I get up and walk away. I was heading towards the elevator, when someone walked into me, sending me flying backwards. I look to see who it was and was met by a concerned looking Thor. He held his hand out to help me up. I grabbed hold of his hands and said “Thanks.” “Don’t need to thank me. After all it is my fault that you fell, lady…” “Y/N. you don’t have to call me lady though.” “Ok. Aren’t you Natasha’s sister?” I nodded and he looked shocked. “What?” I said confused. “It’s just that you’re not how I imagined you would look like.” "What did you expect then, me to be more like Nat?" He nodded shyly agreeing with what I said. "Maybe I should get to know you then. Do you want a drink?" "I would love to" we walked to the bar where we chatted for hours.

A few hours later

A few hours after talking to Thor everyone gathered into the lounge room. Where somehow we have got onto the subject of Thor's hammer. "Come on. It's a load of crap that only you can hold it!" Said Clint. "I agree" said Tony. "Well you can have a go at trying to pick it." Thor challenged. They all started to have a go at picking it up but they all failed. "Hey! Why don't Y/N try?" Said Maria. I looked at all of them and they are all encouraging me to do it. I stand up and go to the hammer. I place my hand on the handle, closed my eyes and pulled the handle up. I heard a gasp, which caused me to open my eyes. That is when I see the hammer in the air. I look over at Thor and he is looking at me in a weird way. I looked into his eyes and I saw mixed emotions in his eyes. Confusion. Surprise. Happy. Our gaze was broken by metal clanging on the floor. We all turn to the door to see one of Tony's suits. "You all think your heroes. But your not. Your the end. I'm the key to freedom." Said the suit. "Ultron?" Whispers Tony. "The journey to freedom and peace is the end of the Avengers." All of a sudden more suit came bursting in a attacking I was pulled out of the way from one heading towards me by Thor. He grabs hold of his hammer and starts to fight. I crouched down and started to crawl to Ultron to grab Caps shield that was flung across the room by one of the suits. But before I could get to it Ultron grabbed me and held me by the throat he started to choke me. I was struggling to get out of his hold. I then remembered that Nat gave me one of her electronic devices. I reach into the pocket of my dress and placed it on Ultron zapping both me and him. He let go of me. I fell and bashed my head on the ground. I was fighting to keep my eyes open, while trying to crawl away. "I'm sorry but it's for the best." Said Ultron. But before he shot a blast at me I saw Thor hit Ultron breaking him instantly. Thor then rushed over to me. His face was last thing I saw before I slipped into unconsciousness.
I wake up to hear people arguing. I then heard my sister shout "My sister was seriously hurt because of your foolishness. Heck even I know not to mess with this." I groaned and everyone looked at me. Nat was first by my side followed by Thor. "Are you ok sis?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just my head hurts." I turn to Thor and say "can I talk to Thor alone?" Everyone then left and it was just me and Thor. "I'd like to say thank for saving my life." He smiled and said "It's was no problem at all." "So... how come I could pick up your hammer?" He sat down next to me and said "My father told me of a legend, long ago. He said that not only does this hammer allows someone worthy to wield it, but it also shows that person their soul mate." "So what your trying to say that I'm your soul mate." I say whole starting to blush. He then nods and says "But if you don't want to be with me it's fine. Just know that I will always protect you." "I have a proposition. Why don't we get to know each other as friends and see what happens? Deal?" "Deal."

"And thats how mummy and daddy met." I say to five year old son, James, and my three year old daughter, Erica. "So daddy saved you from anyone that came to hurt you?" Asked James. "Yes. He is a real hero. Now come on its time to go to bed." "Awwww" They both moaned. They were all tucked in and I waddled back to mine and Thor's room. It has been 7 years since I first met him and now I'm his wife and mother of two children. Third one is on the way. I walk in our room to see Thor waiting on the bed with my favourite movie on the TV. "My Lady come and rest. Remember Bruce said you need to rest more." He says, smiling at the blush that has appeared on my face. He still calls me my Lady after all these years. He uses it to charm me. And it works. That's how I'm pregnant with baby number 3. I get into bed and snuggle up to him. I look up at him and say "I'm the luckiest girl in the while of the nine realms and it all started with you." He then pulls me into a passionate kiss that made the baby kick like crazy. "I don't think that the baby likes you kissing me" I say laughing. "I guess not but I don't care. I have my soul mate."

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