Chapter 2 Neglected

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It's been 5 whole days and my mother still hasn't been home. This is the longest she's ever left us like this, I mean we straight because my sister Jahlan always got us we been eating great and getting stuff done. I was very mature for a 10 year old even though I had my baby ways. "Hakeem don't use all the hot water!!" I yelled through the bathroom door he always took long showers it was so annoying. I heard a loud slam from the front door being slammed shut! "Where the fuck is Fallen???" Rodney our father yelled. Jahlan rolled her eyes and told him "she hasn't been home since last Friday Rodney" he yoked her up against the wall "STOP CALLING ME BY MY FIRST NAME YALL GONNA START RESPECTING ME! I am your father!!!" He then threw my sister down she got up and slapped the hell out of him he was about to go after her until someone started knocking on the door "you lucky little bitch" he said as he went to open the door. In walks Ms.Nima our case worker. "Hello everyone what's going on here?" She asked looking quite confused and feeling the tension. I walked over to her and let her know what happened "We have to get out of here Ms.Nima" Jahlan got up and said "yes we have to go" Ms.Nima already knew that we had problems here so she sighed and said "get your things let's go guys, I came here to let you guys know your mother is in a mental ward things aren't looking too well" Rodney stormed out the house mad as hell.

Damn I knew those drugs were gonna fuck my mom up I just knew it and of course Rodney could give two fucks! Hated that man so much hated this life my mom gave us I hated every last part of it. Now we being put into a group home but not for long believe that. I have to get in contact with my aunt I know she'll be so upset and happy at the same time, upset that my parents just left us neglected like this but happy she gets to raise us in a better environment. We packed up our things I had Hakeem pack up all of his and Jermaines things made sure we got all of our stuff because I just knew we was going to go live with our aunt. I grabbed everything I could in my room made sure I had my stash so I could really cop me a car and more things. Shit might not even touch my stash no more just continue saving open up an animal shelter I love animals so much. "Alright y'all ready??" Ms.Nima asked and we came to the door with all of our things not even looking back while we walked out. On the way down the steps we saw Jermaine walking up "woah what the hell going on?" Jermaine asked looking confused as hell. "Ma is in a mental ward, Rodney put his hands on me again and so yeah we leaving but I got a plan" I told him while noticing his black eye. I lifted up his face so I could observe his eye more "who the fuck did this?" I yelled. "I'm alright sis Rizzy had a talk with me and yeah...." he didn't finish but I was confused why would Rizzy do this... "why Jermaine??" ..."he told me not to throw away my life by getting into the game he told me to protect y'all the right way through ball, then he had one of his boys beat my ass" I couldn't help but laugh because Rizzy is a damn fool like why would he let that happen. "Not funny Jahlan not funny" I was just happy he wasn't joining the game anymore. Jermaine grabbed a bag out my hand and joined us down the steps. We all packed up everything into Ms.Nima's car and hopped in we was all squished as fuck but oh well we'll survive. "Y'all good back there?" Ms.Nima asked "I'm so squish..." "We fine" I said cutting off Hakeem. I squeezed his hand and gave him a scolding look.
I don't even know why we have to live like this it wasn't fair. Wish I had parents like my friend Brayden his mom and dad were cool, always ordered us whatever food we wanted when I would go over got him all the new sneakers everything the life I wish I could have. "Here we are guys" said Ms.Nima, we all looked out the window looking at the run down group home "Don't worry we won't be here for long" Jahlan said to us. I believed my sister she always said when there's a will there's a way she always made shit happen.
-------------------------------------------------------(Hakeem's part is cut short because he's usually a quiet whatever kind of person so his part is going to always be short)

As Ms.Nima showed us where our rooms would be I couldn't help but feel so unhappy that we have to go through this predicament I mean I know we had to come here regardless but damn man this is crazy. I asked Ms.Nima if I could make a phone call and she allowed me to on her cell I quickly logged onto my Instagram account and dm my aunt she responded pretty quickly which was great, she gave me her number and I hurried and logged out my account and called her she picked up on the first ring "Auntie!!! We need you!!!" I damn near yelled into the phone "Baby what's the matter what's going on? Where's Rod and Fallen??" I didn't have time to fully explain everything over the phone so I just summed it up for her."We in a group home, mom is in a mental ward, and Rodney is hell if I know. We need you badly auntie" ... "Can I take you guys home right now with me?? I'm on my way lanlan" she sounded so worried ... "I'm not sure but we'll be ready love you thank you" ... "love you more and no thank yous this is what I'm here for"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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