Chapter 2: Return to The Leaf

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Disclaimer: I Do not own Naruto or any of the characters within Naruto





Chapter 2: Return to the Leaf

Small Timeskip

Naruto was awed at the Front gate, it was so tall that it blocked the sun from nearly 200 feet away. The gate guards were shocked at the sight of the three Sannin, and seemed not to notice that Naruto was even there.

"Tsunade-sama! Your back!" cried one of the gate guards, "With Jiraiya-sama and Orochimaru-sama as well!"

This, expectedly, caused a large crowd to soon form; many in the crowd only knew that they had been sent on a long, hard mission. The crowd didn't notice Naruto, that is, until a random Jonin noticed him in the middle of the trio.

"Hey kid! Give them some space! Don't you know who they are?" The man called, causing all attention to be on Naruto.

The rest of the crowd all agreed, and started flinging questions at Naruto who, having never stared/glared at by so many people, got scared and hid behind Tsunade's leg.

"K-Kaa-chan," Naruto said, his voice muffled by her clothes, "I'm scared."

Tsunade, hearing this, picked up Naruto and put him on her back, allowing him to try and hide behind her and her hair.

When the group entered the Hokage tower, they left the crowd confused, who was this boy, and why was he so close to Tsunade?

"Sarutobi-sensei?" Orochimaru asked, knocking on the door, "May we come in?"

Sarutobi was surprised, usually people just burst right in, not caring at all that he could be in the middle of a meeting. Then he noticed the honorific and glanced at a calendar at his desk. This caused him to remember that this was the day that his students would return and immediately called them in.

"Come in!" He shouted, as the door was on the other side of the office.

In came his three students, Tsunade with a now sleeping Naruto still on her back.

"Tsunade! Orochimaru! Jiraiya! It is nice to finally see you again." He said, getting up and hugging his students, whom he considered to be his own children.

"It is nice to see you as well, sensei." Tsunade responded, gently shifting Naruto on her back.

"So how has life been since you all left with young Naruto here?" He asks, curious about his development.

"Very well, we built a house in Wave country, and were welcomed with open arms. We did jobs around the village, as a way to repay their kindness. Naruto is very quickly getting stronger, he could probably defeat a ANBU in hand-to-hand combat." She said, chuckling, "He even managed to beat Orochimaru once."

This caused the man in question's eye to twitch,

"I underestimated him, and it didn't help that I couldn't use Kusanagi." He said, before looking at Sarutobi, "However, he is probably Jonin-level overall, the kid learns staggeringly quickly and add to that the secret of Shadow clones. Naruto is able to learn Taijutsu techniques in a day or two, and jutsu in a week."

Sarutobi was shocked, he had no idea that Naruto would become that powerful that quickly, he knew that any kid of Kushina and Minato was bound to be a powerhouse, but seriously! That kid was something else.

"Wow..." He said, sitting back in his chair, "That is amazing."

This caused the Sannin to chuckle,

"Sensei?" Tsunade said, handing Naruto to Orochimaru, who held him in his lap, as he was sitting in a chair in front of Sarutobi's desk. "I was wondering, could I adopt Naruto?"

Sarutobi chuckled, "I am surprised you didn't ask earlier." he admitted, "To answer your question, yes. It was said in Kushina's will that if anything were to happen to the two of them that you were to be his caretaker. However, you will have to have him registered as a citizen of Konoha."

Tsunade nodded, "Thank you, sensei."

Sarutobi got the papers out of his desk, "I will need all three of you guys to sign this. Tsunade, so she will be the one to adopt Naruto, with Orochimaru and Jiraiya as notories, so that this document is airtight."

The Three Sannin signed the documents, Orochimaru passing Naruto to Tsunade when it was his turn.

"There we go," Sarutobi said, stamping the document with the seal of the Hokage, "Naruto is now Naruto Senju, congratulations Tsunade."

Tsunade hugged the old man again, "Thank you, so much, Sensei."

The other two Sannin smiled at the scene, Sarutobi then took a key ring out of a drawer in his desk,

"I have had the Senju estate looked after and renovated, here are the keys, there are some basic seals for security seals, but adding others is up to you." Hiruzen then held one key, "This one is to the Uzumaki-Namikaze estate, to which Naruto is the sole heir of."

Tsunade grabbed the keys, and took off to copies of each key for the Senju estate, before handing them to Orochimaru and Jiraiya, "I already consider the two of you guys family, besides, I always wanted to have some brothers." Tsunade said, seeing their questioning looks. "And Jiraiya, you can go crazy doing the security seals, you're the only person I would trust to do them."

"The Academy Genin tests start in a week, I will go with you and Naruto to introduce you and have you registered in the graduating class." Sarutobi stated.

Tsunade nodded before turning towards the door, "See you tomorrow morning Sensei; and you two, come on! We have a home to go unpack at!"  

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