Whenever I look in his eyes, I melt away. I hold them as long as I can, then I look away,blushing. I wonder if he notices, I he cares. I wonder if he feels the same. When I'm with him every thing melts away. A boulder could be about to fall on my head and I wouldn't notice a thing.

I'm sorry I'm getting ahead of my self. Hi I'm marker. Permana marker. im a halfblood. I'm in all the houses(ill explain later), second year,. I'm friends with Ginny ,Neville , Harry, hermione, Ron ,Luna, cho, Fred and George, Draco,Hannah, Susan, wood, and, blondy baker. Blondy Is slytherin.My wand is vine wood 12.5 inches with phoenix core. I'm 12 almost 13 school is winding down(All the tests(KILL ME NOW)). the golden trio is second year.

Please stick around. (If you stick around and want to be added message me with your nickname and what u are like)

a/n: so i FLIPIN got a youtube channel, i know im doing the lame self promotions, but PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! ITS HARRY POTTER THEMED! IF THE LINK DOESNT WORK THEN LOOK UP potter cuddles .


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