Chapter 6: Uncle and Niece

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-X/XX/2028, 7:00 AM, PHOENIX'S HOUSE-


"Well, you see, Trucy. I have a court case today." Daddy said. "I know that, Daddy! But why do I have to get a babysitter?! I'm 17..." Daddy sighed, patting my shoulder. "Don't worry, Trucy. You'll be fine. Besides, I think you'll like him." I thought for a minute. "Is it Mama Edgeworth? (This comes from the headcanon that when Trucy was younger, Phoenix jokingly called Edgeworth Trucy's mom, and she took it literally) Or Uncle Larry?" Daddy did that sweat drop thing I've seen in anime. "No... honey. Not Edgeworth or Larry." He paused for a minute. "Do you remember your Uncle Valant?" I nodded eagerly. How could I forget the best Uncle in the world? "Of course I do!! Is he gonna babysit?!" Daddy nodded. "Yup. While me and Athena take on that case, he's gonna babysit. We're gonna go to his apartment." I cheered, hugging Daddy. I haven't seen Uncle Val in a long time.. Daddy smiled back at me. "Now get packed. We're leaving soon." I nodded, running to my room. I noticed Bullets on my bed, and picked her up. "Hiya kitty.. You're coming with me to Uncle Val's." Bullets meowed, purring lightly. "Cute thing.." I headed back to where daddy was, then put Bullets inside of my backpack. "I'm all packed, Daddy!!" (It feels weird typing Daddy over and over again, but Trucy calls Phoenix Daddy. I gotta stay in character.) Daddy smiled, chuckling. "Alrighty then! Come on, Trucy. Let's go then." I giggled. "Okay Daddy!"


Eventually, we reached Uncle Valant's apartment. I heard earlier that it was a one bedroom apartment and was really cheap. Of course, he probably could get a new one, but Uncle Valant is really lazy. Daddy rang the doorbell. For a few minutes, nothing happened. "Huh.. Maybe he's not home?" I raised an eyebrow. But Daddy, didn't you tell him I was coming? Daddy rang the doorbell again. After a few minutes, Uncle Valant came to the door. Or, at least... I thought it was Uncle Valant. "U-uncle Valant? Is that you?" He looks like a hobo... Uncle Val, or.. whoever that was, scratched his stomach. "Well, my name is Valant.." He narrowed his eyes, probably checking me over. "Trucy? Is that you?" I nodded, smiling as I started to recognize him. "Yup! Hi Uncle Vally!" Uncle Val let out a chuckle, then gave me a hug. "Trucy! I haven't seen you in two years! Why, you haven't changed a bit!" I giggled, hugging him tighter. "Hehe! You either, Uncle Vally!" I decided not to mention that he was a bit plumper than he was 2 years ago. (Trucy doesn't seem like the kinda person to just outright say "Uncle Valant is fat." Plus, come on. That's just rude.) And that his hair was kinda messy. And that he had a weird smell to him. Is this really Uncle Val? He seems more like Daddy when he was a hobo. He even has the hoodie and everything. Well, except the grape juice addiction. He let go of me, then smirked his signature smirk at Phoenix. "So, Wright. How have YOU been?" Daddy shrugged. "Eh, I've been. What about you?" Uncle Valant kept his smirk, shrugging. "Like you, I've been. Anyway, how long is Trucy gonna be staying here?" Daddy shrugged again. "Well, this trial is a continuation from yesterday. So it should be either today, or today and tomorrow." Uncle Valant nodded. "Alakalrighty then! Trucy will be in alakagood hands." Daddy gave me a nervous glance for a second, which I returned with a smile. "Alrighty... I'll be back, Trucy." I smiled again. "Okay! Love you dad!!" I gave him a hug, which he returned. Then he left, leaving me and Uncle Valant on the doorstep. I wonder if he realizes that he's wearing pajama pants and slippers outside. Uncle Valant's stomach suddenly growled. "Fuck, I'm famished. I'm going to make myself a sundae. Go make yourself at home." He walked inside, leaving me at the doorstep. "Riiiight." I walked in afterwards, looking around. Well.. Daddy was right.. This is a real small home. "Want anything?" I heard Uncle Valant say from the kitchen. "What're you making??" I asked him. "I told you. Sundaes! Do you want one?" Sundaes? This early? "What about breakfast?" Uncle Valant raised an eyebrow. "This is breakfast! Now, do you want one or not?" I sighed, shrugging. "Sure, why not." He grinned, heading into the kitchen. "Okay then! I'll be back faster than you can say 'Alakazam!'.... If you were to say it slowly 5 times." I sighed again. "Kk, Uncle Val.." Knowing Uncle Val, he's gonna give himself a stomachache or something like that...


I looked around the kitchen, gathering the necessary ingredients needed to make ice cream sundaes. Ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, cherries... Maybe a banana. A banana split sounds great right about now! My stomach rumbled, distracting me from my thoughts for a second. "Control yourself, would ya? It won't take me long." (Don't tell me you haven't seen those shows where a person like, talks to their stomach or something like that) I chuckled, rubbing my stomach as I got two bowls out. They were both big enough for two cans of soup to go in. And now.. The ice cream! I gathered the vanilla ice cream, scooping several scoops of ice cream out to put in each bowl. (Insert sundae making practice because I don't wanna write all that.) Eventually, I finished the two sundaes, then brought them to Trucy. I gave her the blue bowl, and kept the yellow one for myself. "Here you alakago, Trucy." She looked at the bowl with slight concern. "T-thanks? Jeez, Uncle Val.. This is a lot just for breakfast..." I shook my head. "Not at all! If you don't want yours, I'll eat it!" Trucy sighed, giving me her bowl. "Go on ahead. I'm not that hungry anyway." I raised an eyebrow. "Why ask me for it if you're not hungry?" Trucy shrugged. "Eh, I didn't want something that big.. I'll just have a candy bar." She took out a Milky Way Bar from what I assume was her pocket. But she's wearing a skirt. Where dafaq did she get the bar from? (The world may never know. No, she did not pull it out of her butt. She just did a magic- wait, shit, it was supposed to be a mystery. Shush) She then started chewing on the Milky Way, leaving me to eat the ice cream. "Meh, suit yourself." I immediately started eating the ice cream, making sure to savor every single bit.


I looked over at Uncle Val eating the ice cream in slight astonishment. H-he's eating it like a pig... This can't be the same Uncle Valant. What happened in the last two years I saw him? Uncle Val suddenly burped, chuckling afterwards. "Heh.. Excuse me." He finished the first ice cream bowl, and was now working his way through the second. I felt something on my hands, and realized that my Milky Way bar had melted. I got up. "Uncle Val? I'm gonna wash my hands real quick." Uncle Val nodded. "Bathroom's that way." He pointed towards his room, then went back to eating. I walked to the bathroom, washing my hands. "Uncle Val.. What happened to you two years ago that made you so..... hobo like?" I threw away my candy wrapper, when all of a sudden, I heard a groan and a gurgle. Oh boy... Walking back to the living room, I saw Uncle Valant clutching his stomach. He looked slightly green in the face. "Uncle Val? Are you ok?" He shook his head, hiccuping. "My stomach hurts...." I sighed as his stomach gurgled again. "I knew you were going to give yourself a stomachache..." I climbed upon the couch next to him, giving him a hug. "Silly Uncle Vally.. This is why you don't eat two bowls of ice cream in a row." He hiccuped again, turning even greener. "I don't feel so good... I think I'm gonna be sick." I stopped hugging him for a second. "I'll be right back!" I got up, quickly running to get a trash can. A few minutes later, I came back, sitting on the couch and handing him the can. "Here ya go!" He smiled weakly, taking the trash can. "Thanks, Truce.." He set it next to him, leaning on the couch. A few seconds later, Uncle Val immediately grabbed the trash can, vomiting in it. I gotta admit. Even with his bad decision, I felt bad for the guy. I gave Uncle Valant another hug, rubbing his back in hopes that it would comfort him. When he finished puking, he put the trash can back down, and turned around. "Again, thanks Truce.." I smiled, continuing to hug him. "No problem, Uncle Vally!" Uncle Valant smiled at me, but he still had a hint of green to his face. "Uncle Valant?" I looked up at him. He looked down at me, his smile turning to a face of confusion. "Yes?" I smirked. "When you feel better, do you want to have an eating contest with me?" He smirked, revealing the competitive nature that he had from all those years with daddy. "Of course I would! Though you do realize that I would win, right?" I giggled, smirking as well. "Yeah, right. You may be bigger, but I can eat faster." Valant's smirk grew, and he crossed his arms. "So we compete then?" I nodded. "We compete!" We shook hands like true competitors would, then, well, just flopped on the couch. Uncle Valant still had that stomachache, after all. But when it ends... I will win this eating contest!

('Sydney, where the fuck is the Valassa?!' 'Yeah, this chapter had no Valassa in it, this book sucks.' 'I'm unfollowing, deleting your number, and never talking to you again.' Ok, that last one was a bit far, but I'm pretty sure that's what you guys are gonna say. I would've added the contest in, but I feel like it would be better for the contest to be its own chapter. There will be Valassa in the next chapter,  I promise you. I'll admit that Chapter 7 might be the last chapter. I mean, I found another ship that I like just as much as this one. And maybe even more than this one. Will I write a fanfic about it? Probably not, but if I do, it might not be until awhile after this one. I don't want to confuse people. Anyway, I hope you guys do enjoy this chapter, filler and all!)

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