Chpt. 1 Little Whinging

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson nor Harry Potter.

AN: Hello and welcome to part two of Emerald Eyes! Today, I'm gonna write a shorter AN and a longer story! How cool is that?


"All hail James Potter, the Boy who Lived." However if anybody had bothered to look, they would have seen Hadrian's eyes fade to normal, and the Helm-shaped scar upon his forehead.

Later that same day:

"Are you sure Albus? Surely he is dead- James Jr killed him!" In the headmaster's room, three people were sitting. Deputy Headmistress Professor Minerva Mcgonacall looked like a cat.

A cat who hat realized the rat it 'killed' was playing dead. Which is to say, scandalized. "I am afraid that I am quite sure, Minerva." Albus said gravely.

"He will not be heard of , perhaps for the a year, perhaps for ten: but I am afraid t the darkest of Magics to keep himself alive. One day he will rise again, and James shall have to face him."

Severus sneered. "Jamsie Potter, take on the Dark Lord? If he is anything like his father " He spat out father like a curse " The Dark Lord will blast him away before he so much as grips his wand. If anything, The Dark Lord laughing himself to death is the best chance we have!"

Albus's eyes twinkled. " Indeed Severus, that is why he must be trained."

"Trained, Albus?" Inquired Minerva "Yes indeed Minerva, trained. And by the best trainers we can manage." "But then, what about Harry?" "We will have to leave him with another family."

"Another family, Albus? The Potters surely do not want him gone?" "Of course they do not want him gone, Minerva. But It would not do for Harry to be shunned: and we absolutely cannot have James being distracted; it is for the Greater Good."

Minerva sighed. "Very well then, Albus. I trust he will be placed in good hands?" Albus smiled, his eyes twinkling. "The very best." "Merlin, the brat is going to grow up even more spoiled then he already is!" Drawled Severus. "We shall see, Severus. We shall see.

Later that day, Petunia Dursley screamed as she opened the door to take out the Milk bottles- and found a sleeping baby with a note attached to him.

Eight Years later
The Dursleys were a perfectly normal family, thank you very much. And if someone said otherwise, it was always his fault.

Number 4 Privet Drive was as 'normal' as you can get: if a horse neck stalker, a walrus and an beach ball was considered normal. In Hadrian's option the Dursley were about as normal as pineapple tap-dancing.

Aunt Petunia was an hideous horse-necked woman that spied on neighbors.

   Uncle Vernon was a fat walrus with piggy little eyes and barley any neck at all. He liked to yell at people- his colleagues, Hadrian, an old man crossing the street, Hadrian, the Baker, Hadrian, Etc.

Dudley was as round as a beach ball, strong, fat, and stupid, and looked like a pig in a wig. His favorite game was in Harry Hunting.
He and the gang waddled toward him, hooting and hollering. If he was caught, he got beaten-not that he was often caught, for, even if he did not look it, Hadrian was very fast.

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