"Wasn't so bad? I had to spend four nights sleeping on the floor of the public library. For a whole week, I ate nothing more than sandwiches from the vending machine, and that was all just because Fran wanted an extravagant piece for the 20-year anniversary of the magazine."

Dante's husky laugh made her heart ache with longing.

"I know that I'm overreacting. It's just that after working with her for three years, I was hoping for a serious assignment," she said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Hang in there, I'm sure that she'll eventually notice the incredible genius that you are— I know I did. For now, there's nothing more to do but give her what she asked for."

"Will do. Thank for calling, I needed it."

"Not a problem." She heard Dante's assistant on the background. "I have to go but I'll see you soon, I love you."

"Love you too."

She stayed with her phone to her ear until Dante hung up. She had been doing that often. Like if she stayed a little longer next to the phone, the loneliness wouldn't creep in and stick to her like a damp sweater after walking on the rain.

She closed the computer and packed it away in her bag. As she got up, a guy who entered the shop a few minutes ago bumped into her, almost throwing her to the floor. The stranger shot her an annoyed look and walked out the door.

What's his problem?

A breeze of frozen air stabbed Theresa's skin like a dozen razor blades. She wrapped her scarf around her neck and closed her coat. On her way to the train station, she walked past a violin player, two dancers, and a singer. When she finally got to sit, she took out her iPod and plugged in her headphones.

The urban view of the city slowly stared to turn into houses on the beachside. In the distance, the sun was starting to set. When they finally reached the stop, she got off the train and went to the parking lot to get out her car, a bright yellow VW Beetle. Oh, how Dante hates me driving this thing.

Theresa entered her house and stood frozen at the door. Her brother Enzo had a bowl of popcorn on his lap and was scanning through the T.V. series in Netflix. The whole living room smelled like melted butter.

"Who let you in?" asked Theresa, leaving her bag and coat at the hangers by the door.

"Me," he said with his mouth stuffed with popcorn. "I made myself a key remember?" he swallowed. "You're out of cereal, milk, and chips, by the way." He played How I Met Your Mother and sank deeper between the pillows.

"You come to my house unannounced, eat my food, and don't apologize for doing so." Theresa was standing in front of him, blocking his view of the T.V. with her hands on her hips.

"Well yes, I'm your brother, Tessa. That's what I do."

"What are you doing here Enzo?" She walked to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. The cold liquid slid down her dry throat, washing away the raspy feeling the coffee had left her with.

"Well, now that you mention it—" he shot her an innocent look. "I need a place to stay, Jess kicked me out— again."

Tessa took in a deep breath, and slowly let it out, "What did you do Enzo?"

"I kind of mentioned her gaining some weight, and commented on her relationship status, and age." Just before he got any reply from her part he said, "And I kind of need it to be for free."

She sighed, then chuckled. She felt thankful when she heard a car pulling up the driveway. For a split-second butterflies started to flutter in her stomach. You would think that after being together for two years, she would get used to Dante's presence, that the sensation of nervousness you get when you just start dating would disappear with time. Not for her.

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