Chapter Six

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Hell on Earth
(Mila's POV)

  "Let's go," she repeated.

   I wanted to reply, or better yet, follow her. For some reason my body wasn't letting me. Every sane part of me was screaming at me to run. Based on the newly found-out info that the being standing before me, is in fact, the actual Devil.

   So, yeah. Maybe you can understand my hesitation.

   "What's wrong? Farrah spill the beans? Of course she did. She just loves telling everyone I'm the big, bad wolf."

    " I have no idea what you're talking about," I tried to pretend I wasn't shitting in my pants.

   Oh! Another question: now that I'm dead, do I still shit and piss?

   She took a very calculated step closer. "Oh, bullshit. I can smell fear and lies from a mile away. Literally."

   "Well, now that I'm thinking of it, she may have mentioned something --"

   "You don't have to worry. You've peaked my interest, so I'm not going to eat you alive...yet."

   "Yet?" I gulped. God, if you hear me, you suck.

    "Relax! I'm just fucking with you. I wouldn't eat you alive. You aren't plump enough."

    For the whatever messed up reason, her words calmed me down. I was also slightly flattered that she didn't consider me to be "plump." So yeah, technically, she just called me a skinny bitch. At least, that's what I'm going to choose to think.

    Her dark brown locks swayed as she walked out of the -- well, door frame, since she broke down the actual door. I assumed she expected me to follow her, something people routinely did here in Hell, I've noticed.

    Not wanting to anger, Satana, I followed her down the hallway, to the elevators.

    "Where are we going?" I asked.

    She swiftly turned to face me, green eyes glowing with mischief. "Don't you want to take a tour of where you're going to spend the rest of eternity?"

    "I think, I'm good. That hotel room is just fine for eternity."

   "Ha! Making jokes with the Devil, huh? I like it. Takes balls." Her laugh wasn't exactly a laugh. It was more of a chuckle. Loud, confident, powerful, unforgiving.

   "I wasn't really joking," I simply stated. The fear was still present, but I was doing my best to shove it back down my throat. "So...any new ideas on why I'm here?"

   Leading me into the elevator, her demeanor changed a bit. The playfulness was gone. Vanished into thin air. Like it was never there to begin with. And to be frank, it scared the shit out of me.

   Her full lips pursed, as she pushed a button in the elevator. I was too busy trying to read her expression to see which one. "I'm working on it. Remember what I said, do not discuss your certain predicament with anyone besides me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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