Chapter 16

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     "Hello everyone, you've got Josh and Dave here on 106.1 fm, and that was Niall Horan's latest song you just heard.  But, now, we turn our attention to our guest today, who is an international superstar originally from over the pond in Cheshire.  He's got a new single coming out soon, a single that I'm sure will join all his other's at the top of the charts.  Please, say hello to . . . Mr. Harry Styles!"

     "Hello,"  Harry said casually.  The two radio DJ's, whom I presumed to be Josh and Dave, chuckled into their microphones.  All three of them wore big headphones over their ears and lounged in chairs in front of tables stacked high with technical equipment.  I stood off to the side, silently toying with my necklace and trying not to think of all the ways Harry could screw up this interview.

     "So, as you heard, that was Niall Horan's new song.  Have you heard it before?"  One of the radio DJ's asked.  He was a big man with beady eyes and a terrible toupee.  I was pretty sure that one was Dave.

     Harry nodded, then said, "Yeah, it's a great song.  He's a neat dude. We, uh, spent some time together after the VMA's."

     I closed my eyes.  I sincerely hoped they would get off this topic soon because all Harry was going to do was solidify his alcholic, bad-boy image, which was something we really didn't need at the moment.

     The other DJ, Josh(who was much skinnier and less-pedophilic than Dave), nodded and smiled.  "Oh, nice nice.  Are you guys friends?"

      Harry shrugged, although I don't know why considering it was a radio interview and the audience couldn't see him.  "I guess so.  I mean, we have the same manager,"  he gestured over to me, and I could feel my face bloom red.  The two interviewers turned and smiled.  "Say hi, Ash!" Harry said, smirking.

     I smiled politely and gave a little three-finger wave.

     "That's right!  I heard that you fired your old manager," Dave responded.  "Is this one working out better?"

     Harry smiled.  "Yeah, she's cool."

     I could feel my heartbeat quicken.  This was not good.  If Jackson ever heard this interview . . .

     "What's that face for, Harry?  Is there a little . . . somethin'-somethin' going on with you and your manager . . . uh, Ash?" Josh raised an eyebrow, apparently not entirely sure what my name was.

     Harry chuckled.  "Her name's Ash Winter, and I don't know.  She's a bit cold when you first meet her, like her last name suggests," he continued, laughing at his own joke.  "But she's cool.  She likes the Breakfast Club and orange chicken."

     I was frantically gesturing to him to stop.  Screw his reputation.  This is was going to destroy our lives.

     His smile faltered for a moment.  "Although, past that, I don't know much about her.  I don't know.  She doesn't let many people in," he stared off into space for a second, then suddenly cleared his throat and winked at me before turning back to the DJ's.

     "Ooh, sounds, er, interesting," Josh responded, glancing at me.  I was still doing hand gestures to try to get Harry to stop talking about us, and fortunately, Josh picked up on that and switched the subject.  I thanked the Lord that there were at least a few interviewers left in this world that respected privacy more than their ratings.  "So, Harry, tell us a bit about this new upcoming single."

     The interview continued on for a little longer, surprisngly, with very little bumps.  When it was over, I yelled at Harry for his comments, at which he just laughed and rolled his eyes.  I probably would've laughed along with him if it hadn't been for the text from an unknown number that I had received right when the interview ended.  The number might have been unknown, but as soon as I had read it, I knew exactly who it was.

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