Chapter Two- The Escape

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[A/N] Okay I know that this update has been long over due. But, I do have a valid reason, for once lol For the past month or so I have been obsessed with this college interveiw I had and after it was over I was far to nervous about the out come to even dream of writing >.< Anyway two days ago I recived a letter and I GOT IN!! So I figured I would celebrate by updating my stories :D

Anyway, I hope this is okay, I know it's not my best but I seem to be a bit rusty now :(

Please let me know what you think. VOTE/COMMENT and If I get some good feedback I will update again tomorrow :D..

Much love.

P.S I changed the end of this chapter mainly because it was lacking something the first time around. 

Chapter two.

~And as she faced the sun, she cast no shadow.~


"What the hell are you doing in here!!"

A shrill voice broke through the silence. Snapping my eyes up to look at the new addition to the room, I cursed myself for letting myself get distracted.

In the door way stood the largest man in a white lab coat I have ever seen, however it was the black gun he held in his hand that gained my full attention.

How the hell would I get the both of us out of here alive?


I stared at the wide eyed infant in my arms. Although she was not yet old enough to understand the situation we were in, I could have sworn for a split second she looked at me like she knew, like she could sense I was worried. 

The large burly man standing across from me shouted the question again. He wanted to know what I was doing here and why I was holding his little test subject. My anger was fanned like the flames of a dulling fire, suddenly it burst into a raging inferno. How dare he refer to a child as a test subject, an innocent child. Suddenly I wanted to rip his head doff and use his neck as my sippy cup.

Slowly I began to lower the child back into the incubator I left her with only a promise of my return, a promise I was unsure I could keep. If this man had his way I would be dust.

"Hold it right there!!"

He yelled, as I moved away from the incubator. With his loud word still echoing off the dull walls I looked up. His gun was still poised at me and I knew if he managed to get a shot at me I would be no help to anyone. 

"You and I both know it will take more than a bullet to keep me from killing you. So you may as well put the gun down now."

I lied through my fangs. As strong as I was, it would take at least an hour for me to heal from a shot and that would give them enough time to strap me down again.

"Mhm, I know what you are. Blood sucker, you made sure to leave a nice trail of bodies. I also know that this bullet won't kill you, however, if I point it in a different direction it may just hurt you a little more."

With those words he lower the gun to point directly at the incubator. Fool! Didn't he realize that the minute that first shot was fired it would give me a chance to strike.

Then again, he knew I wouldn't make a move while the childs life was at stake. Damn it, he was smarter then he looked. 

"So what's it going to be blood sucker? You can be a nice little freak and let the men outside bind you and take you back to your room or you can have this innocent little babys blood on your conscience."

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