Chapter 3: Fools Way

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He frowned with pity, slapped my shoulder and walked backed to the podium.

I gripped the steering wheel. "Just peachy."


Pepper Pots

Happy gripped my hand and wiped away some tears. "You going to be okay?"

I smiled and kissed the inside of his palm. "Yeah. We just have to check on him, make sure he's breathing. "

He nodded and we walked into the Mansion.

We, Tony and I, broke up about 6 years ago. We relized that, after 2 years of trying, we weren't happy. A year after that me and Happy Hogan started going out.

Tony was estaic, saying we could go on double dates.

"Tony?" I called. We walked towards his workshop.

Happy put in his code to get in. "Jarvis, where's Tony?"

There wasn't a answer.

The doors slid open and we walked down the steps into a very messy room.

Tony didn't build any more. He fixed what was broken, and sent it out better then before, but he never created any more.

I guess cleaning counts as building, from the looks of it.

"Tony?" We called again.

There was one monitor up, and on the screen it said "For who ever finds this first.."

I walked towards it and jiggeled it awake, having to put in my password for Tony.

Suddenly the entire room came alive. Machinces beeped, lights turned on, and Dum-E in the corner came alive.

"Welcome, Ms.Pots." Jarvis said.

"Jarvis, where is Tony?" I asked.

A pause, then "I feel as tho you should watch the video."

And sure enough, a video was on on the computer screen.

I wiggled my mouse over it, pressing play.


He knows it's been a year, but he can't get over the fact that Mason Stark...thee Mason Stark, could come back.

He's been watching over her, noteing down the subtle hints of life. Eyes fluttering, twitching of the hands and feet. He swore he once saw her mouth move, a silent omen of life.

He's never seen anything like this. Hell, who has?

He looked over Steve Rogers body, trying to feel heat or see life. Nothing though.

It's late out, and her body is out of the 'cabinet'. He figured it's her death anniversary. She deserved a night out.

He looked at the pictures, from her alive to the second her body was dead to now. He has tons of them, all diffeent dates.

You could see the diffences from her moments dead. Her skin was still glowing a awful bright red, brighter then it was months ago. It seemed to be moving faster and faster through her body.

Her skin wasn't as hollow and pale as it was. Her cheeks were almost back to their orignal baby fat shape. Her eyes, when he opened them, were having life brought back in. Brown, with some traces of blue.

He knew there could still be Teserac in her body. He knew all about that, how she saved the world, how she died for a few seconds when she was 17 and came back.

But he could never figure out why.

It reminded him of a show she loved...something about 2 brothers who died again and again and again but always came back.

what was it? Un-natural? Non-natural? Crazies?

Who cares.

He put his hand to her wrist, and tried to feel. There was a slight bump-bump, but you had to really try and feel it.

There wasn't a heart beat- not yet anyways. he knew there would be tho.

There had to be.

Or he just wasted months of his life looking at a sack of meat.


I sat back in the chair.

"Happy..." I said weekly.

He kissed my hair. "I know."

Tony Stark has just deleted himself from the world.

Extremis was a computer virus, it made the user advance plugging in to the deepest part of the brain.

Only a few amount of people could handle it, and Tony was one of them.

Tony could call his armor on command, seeing how it molded to his skin (well, his under-suit but he wore that thing all the time). He was a walking internet source- his brain had WiFi where ever he went.

So he shut down his brain.

He couldnt deal with the stress. Steve put him in charge of America and it's falling apart.

He blames himself for everything, from Masons and Steve's murder to the falling of the government.


I pulled out my phone, hitting the emergency line to Fury that a select few had.

he picked up on the first ring. "What?"

I stood, walking towards the door. "Where is Masons body, where it really is?"


We walked down the hall to what is called the 'refrigerator'.

"Your telling me,"Fury said. "Your telling me that Stark put the Extremis in his dead daughter, a virus supposedly that doesn't exist, in hopes of bringing her to life?"

I shrugged. "Hes done crazier. Once, at L.A., he danced on a table because he hears that the guys from ACDC did it."

Fury gave me a look but we turned down a hall and to a closed room.

We walked into it, and we went down the lines. I stopped when I saw...something.

"Is that suppose to be hot?" I asked, motioning to the 'cabinet like thing with heat lines coming off.

Fury shook his head, walking to it. I read the name on the door.

Stark E. Mason.

"Oh god." I said.

He yanked it open, ignoring the scorching heat.

Inside was the body of a girl who came to me when she was learning what a vagina was, the girl who asked me what the hell a period meant.

Mason was glowing, a bright red. You could see it moving. There were slight twitches, here and there.

She wasnt breathing, but she was trying.

She was coming back.

"This..." Fury said. He took out his walkie and called someone, saying to come to this room and only them.

He turned to me. " This stays between us. No one is to know."

I nodded.

The Iron Savior...Senior (based on comic storylines)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora