Chapter Twelve

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Instantly when I walked into the hall, I found an echo coming back at me, however when I glanced back at Cash we shook our heads in unison. That wasn't what we wanted to hear.

Without pausing for even a half a moment, I switched to a song I'd just written that we'd named Don't Understand as I spun around. It wasn't an easy thing to do, switch songs without a pause so we could hear every moment that I played in every inch of the studio, making sure I jumped straight to the vocals. The changes were abrupt, but that was okay when my voice and guitar didn't let me down, I didn't mind at all.

My steps were slow and measured as I walked up the hall, finding that the door to the courtyard was closed for once, though the other two in the hallway were sitting wide open. That was the first time I stumbled over a chord as I looked up to the open doorway to Studio Two. I quickly recovered, making a point not to look at Cash in case he saw right through me, but I couldn't help but eye the door ahead apprehensively.

Maybe they weren't in, I thought hopefully as I switched to a Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds song seamlessly.

That was too much to wish for because moments later people began to empty from the studio in question.

I didn't pause in the songs, though, that would against the point.

First it was Mick who came out, poking his head around the doorway with such a bemused expression on his face; I almost stopped playing just because I wanted to laugh so badly. Without answering the look that shifted into questioning, I raised my eyebrows, continuing to play as I made my way forwards, inching slowly to the door at the end of the hall.

He walked past me where I could only assume he was going to talk to Cash about what the hell I was doing; I just switched to another Red Riot song, going into the chorus.

However when Mick vacated, two people pushed into the doorway.

Cam and Logan were so close to shoving one another it was incredible that they didn't break out in a fist fight. They were both pushed into the doorway, their shoulders braced against each other as if they were squeezing to just get a view of what was going on. It was amazing that while Cam looked dead tired with dark marks beneath his eyes and Logan looked brightly alert, they still managed to look alike, wearing identical expressions of confusion that melted away into something akin to absorption.

Sometimes they really did make me uncomfortable. They had those stares that made me get goosebumps, and it was worse when they did it together. I wasn't sure if they knew exactly what they did, but I think they had some guess, after all, I'm sure they'd used it to their advantage on several occasions.

As I made my way towards them, inching forwards, I watched Logan lean down slightly to whisper something to Cam, only to have a broad smile etched across the latter's face.

How could he even smile at the things his brother said to him? I couldn't wrap my head around it. It really just made me dizzy that Cam could even be in the presence of his brother without wanting to punch him in the face. But there he was, even as the thoughts went through my head, saying something in response that made Logan burst out laughing.

Yet I was always in the clutches of that Harrison stare that they'd perfected over the years.

Knowing just how to undermine it, I switched up the song with ease, heading into Common People from Pulp.

"I want to live like common people," I sang in an easy voice, swinging from the change as if it was the most simple thing in the world as I fixed them with a pointed look. "I want to do whatever common people do. I want to sleep with common people."

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