Pancake? Chap 2

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Author's Note
Hello my lovely readers and welcome to part two of Burgers or Pancakes? This is
Fujoshi-Chan speaking! And this part is when you meet Canada or shall I say Matthew and lets just say things will get a little heated
*nosebleeds*okay now lets begin
You've been staying with Alfred for a couple of weeks and somehow Alfred grew a crush on the sexy neko in front of him sleeping somehow M/n snuck in his room and cuddled him while he was sleeping.

Alfred had to admit he was flustered but he had a meeting to go to and he know he won't be able to take M/n with him so he grabbed his glasses and his phone off the nightstand putted his glasses on and looked through his contacts for someone he can call to take care M/n until he gets back Italy yeah they had meetings located in each country(hey don't judge me!).

Alfred looked through his contacts, Francis? NO! (I'm sorry for all you Francis loving fans)

Germany? of course not he's never going to miss a meeting just to take care of M/n especially if it's in Italy

Greece? Maybe when I have another meeting but he's going to fall sleep then what if my little
M/n runs away!?

England? Nah he's going to scold me and take M/n from me!╥﹏╥

I don't have a brother do I? and who is Matthew? Oh is that my brother?
(really Alfred? ⊙︿⊙
Worst brother of the year award)
Let me call Matthew then he barely go to meetings anyway
....Ring ~
Ring ~

Hey little bro I need a favor dude

W-What is it?

Well I need somebody to watch
M/n can you watch him for me until I get from the meeting? Pretty please with a burger on top?

O-Okay Alfred and who's M/n?

Oh he's my cat and please don't freak out if he turns into a human

Wait what!?

Thank Mattie!

*Call Ended
"Now I have somebody to watch M/n until I get back" *grabs a burger themed collar* I'm going to put this on M/n just in case
*puts collar on M/n*
"Awww he's so cute in it!" Alfred said before shaking you awake you sat up yawning and stretching and rubbing your eyes
"what is it? Alfred can't we cuddle a little more?" You said in a sleepy state with your deep and your eyes half-lidded with grabby hands wanting him to come closer to you so you can cuddle him Alfred blushed "okay dude only for a little bit"

Alfred said as he felt your arms wrap around his waist and your head on top of his head and he felt your 8 pack press against his back he felt himself get sleepy as well "one nap wouldn't hurt right?" As he fell asleep in your arms.
"Okay bye M/n!" Alfred said as he drove off you meowed and looked at the shy male in front of your eyes he had blonde wavy shoulder length hair with a long curly curl on the side of his head, light ocean blue eyes hid behind his glasses, and he looked just like Alfred but with little differences you snapped out of your daze as you heard him say something

" I-I said did you want some pancakes?" Matthew said shyly you looked at him then turned into your human form Matthew blushed as he saw a handsome man in front of him.

You chuckled at his shyness as you neared him and his back was to the wall you slammed one hand on the side of his face as he flinched,

you giggled man you loved the shy ones you neared his neck as you started nibbling and kissing on it feeling a twitch downstairs as you heard him moan pushing on your chest you got closer closing the space between you guys placing your lips on his as he continued struggling but melted in the kiss wrapping his arm around your neck "mmm he tastes sweet" you said in thought and disconnecting for air

Matthew panted for air as a string of saliva trailed his lips you leaned down and licked it up "now what about the pancakes?" Matthew blushed nodded hurrying into the kitchen to make the pancakes

Narrator: 10 minutes later brought to you by a chibi kumajiro and chibi Canada blushing at a chibi neko M/n

You watched Matthew placed 4 stacks of pancakes on a plate in front of you steaming with melting butter and sticky sweet syrup you felt your mouth water at the sight until you sensed a different smell you looked down and saw a growling polar bear

"where did this polar bear come from?" But then you smirked and got into cat form and hopped off the chair and got in front of the growling bear and started hissing and growling back playfully with your tail all puffed up and your claws out lifting up your paw like you were about slash at him

the bear ended up backing up scared backing up to Matthew's leg, Matthew gasped as he picked up his polar bear "M/n! Don't do that to Kumajiro! Bad M/n! Bad!" Matthew scolded you "so that's the bear's name huh?" You said turning back into human form.

You decided to tease the bear you grabbed Kumajiro and placed him on the floor then tossed Matthew over your shoulder and sat back in your chair but placed Matthew in your lap while wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing him on his lips bringing your hands up his sides to his shirt pulling it up a little rubbing his hard pink buds

he moaned shamelessly you chuckled you was going to like it here while staring at a growling snapping Kumajiro and making out with a moaning Matthew.
An hour later
------------------------------------------------------ Knick and Knock... Matthew
moaned feeling you rub circles in his waist. Matthew was on your lap and arms around your neck and your face was buried in his neck giving him a hickey on his neck that would disappear in the morning. "hng~someone is at the door M/nnnn ah!" feeling you switch positions

and he was on his back and you was over him leaving bite marks on his chest then the knocking started again and you stop biting his neck and let him go to open the door with your marks on his chest and neck.

You didn't pay no attention at who was at the door until you heard your name being called
"M/n A-Alfred is here to get you!"   You hopped off the coach with smirk and coming up to the door and kept smirking at Alfred

"Hey Alfred did you like m-ow!ow!ow!ow! that hurts Alfred!" You said being dragged to the car by your tail and you made grabby hands at the shy Canadian but you ended up in the car with an angry american.

"Hey! Alfred!" "..." "I know you can hear me "..." You sighed hating to be ignored you sat back
with your arms crossed over your chest.
Author's Note
*nosebleeds and pasts out*
*wakes back up and wipes blood with tissue putting tissue in nose* wow very very interesting I only did this for research.... No really I did! I swear!

Burgers Or Pancakes!? [Continues In Next Book Coming Soon]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin