Comforting A Crying Alfred Short

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Author's Note
Warning fluff but a short fluff.
You was warned.
After you had scared Alfred he ran in his room and locked the door and you just let him calm down for a little bit....
1 hour later

"Alfred?" You said knocking on the door

"G-Go away M/n!" Alfred said hugging his knees to his chest burying his face in his knees 
and silently cried in his knees

Alfred didn't know why he was acting this way in the first place without you here he wouldn't have been acting this way Alfred heard something slide down the door with a "thump" and heard sniffling snapping him out of his daze he leaned to door listening

"A-Alfred I-I never ment to hurt you! God I hate myself! stupid! stupid! stupid!"

Alfred sniffled wiping his nose with his sleeve and hesitated to put his hand on the doorknob but pushed that aside and opened door just for you to end up on the floor with a tear red stained face
sniffling and hearing sniffling made Alfred's heart break then

Alfred gasped feeling himself being pulled to your chest and Alfred's hands shakingly embraced you back

"P-Please Alfred don't hate me I didn't mean to hurt you"then you started sobbing again and feeling Alfred's hands comb through your hair lovingly

"I-Its okay M/n besides it was my fault for going against you protests I'm sorry" Alfred said bringing you to his bed and you got in the bed and watched as Alfred climbed in the bed by you

"Hey Alfred?... Can I strip?" Alfred blushed at your request but slowly nodded and he tried not to look at you while you strip to your boxers and he watched as you slowly took your shirt off and kicked off your socks, shoes, and pants

"Hey Alfred can I cuddle you?" You said hesitantly

Again Alfred blushed and eagerly nodded feeling strong arms wrap around his waist and was pulled into your chest facing you with his face redder than a tomato because seeing you sleep make this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach

And hesitantly put his hand on your twitching ear you stirred a little and Alfred retracted his hand rather quickly but stopped seeing you hold into him tighter burying your face into his neck and went back to soft snoring

Alfred reached his hand up again and slowly started stroking your ears again feeling you pur on his neck sending vibrates "hng~" you moaned in your sleep and Alfred tensed feeling your tail wrap around his waist

Alfred decided to stop before you attack him and besides he was feeling sleepy anyway and smiled snuggling with a purring M/n

Who knew life can be so good with this neko?
Author's Note
Okay done! I'm just going to chill right now yay and read you guys fanfics and kisses😍😘😘😘😘😘😘(≧∇≦)/(>y<)

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