1-How he found you (baby)

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Right now you are 1 year old.


I walk towards my post and saw the usual large door I would practice my knock-knock jocks. As I approach it I heard the sound of crying. I walk a little faster and saw a small child sat in the snow crying. I go over and it looked up at me.

"Hey there kiddo. What you doing out here?" I ask kneeling down. It looked like a girl and she seemed fine. I watched her crawl closer and reach up to me with grabby hands. I smile and pick her up, and a piece of paper fell out her pocket. I unfold it and read it.


To my puny friend. Please look after this child. Do not let the king find her. Please. I know you will take care of her.


I look up at the door and sigh.

"Ok lady. I'll look after her." I look down at the shivering child. "Better take you home. Lucky for you I know a short cut."


I was at my post when I saw something small crawl past. I watch it and grin widely.

"A HUMAN!" I cheer. I quickly pinch it up and looked into its big (E/c) eyes as it tilted it head. "I HAVE CAPTURED YOU. NOW I WILL BE PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD AND THEN I'LL BE POPULAR." I smile. The tiny human clapped and laughed. "GOOD. YOUR NOT GOING TO MAKE THIS HARD." I say. A tiny hand touched my cheek bone and she smiled mumbled strange sounds. The human seemed happy but then I heard its belly make a sound. "YOUR HUNGRY. WELL I CANT TAKE YOU TO UNDYNE HUNGRY, CAN I?" I rush home to make some spaghetti.


I walk into Alphis's lab for a repair but saw a small human sat on her desk in dirty cloths and was socking wet. I was confused but Alphis rushed in.

"Alphis darling who is this?" I ask picking up the baby.

"I don't know I found her in the dump like this." She said and I looked to the baby sadly. "I'm guessing the humans didn't want her so I brought her." Alphis came closer but I felt the baby wiggle. I looked at the child and saw her hiding her face in my chest piece. "She doesn't like many people. Both me and Sans have tried to hold her, feed her, clean her up. She just screams and hides. I'm shocked she let you near her. Maybe she would be best with you." I looked at the baby with short (H/c) hair and big (E/c) eyes.

"It would definitely boost ratings." I smile. The small child reached up and touched my face and smiled. "Oh darling~ I think I'll name you (Y/n)." I smile. "I'll look after you."

"Aww. Well is there a reason you needed to come over?" Alphis asked. I nod and explained to Alphis what happened.


I whip the bar down. I had just closed for the night when Sans wobbled in with a bundle of blankets in his arms.

"Sans. I was just closing. But is there something I can get you, you look tiered." I say just as I went to get him some ketchup he grabbed my arm.

"Grillby I need you to look after this kid. Papyrus and Undyne are looking for her. I need you to look after her for me. Promise me." Sans said frantically. "Your the only one I trust. Please." I knew he would never go agents his brother unless it was urgent. I sigh and nod. He handed me the bundle of blankets and I looked down at the human baby. I look up at Sans but he was gone. I sigh and walk home.


Frantic knocking on my door made me jump slightly. I open it to see Papyrus smiling.

"LOOK UNDYNE I GOT A HUMAN." He cheered. He held up a baby and she giggled reaching out for me. I took the baby and she smiled. "DO I GET TO BE PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD NOW?" He asked. I looked at him and the baby.

"Papyruse. Where did you find this child?" I ask.


"Papyrus I..." I trail off. I couldn't take this child to Asgore. She was so young. "No paps. She too young. I'll take it from here. Go home and don't tell anyone about her. Understand?" I ask. He nodded sadly and started walking away. "Hey punk!" I yell. He turned around. "Don't forget your training tomorrow." I say. He smiled again and nodded before rushing off. "Come on baby fish. I'll look after you now." 

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