Chapter 22: Never A Dull Moment With The Weasley Twins

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Twenty Two: Never A Dull Moment With The Weasley Twins

Lottie's Point of View

"'By order of the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Jane Umbridge High Inquisitor has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-eight. Signed, Cornelius O--' This is bullshit."

"Well, that's obviously what's happening now Dumbledore's not here." I observed. Alex, the twins and I were staring up at the notice which hung over the doors to the Great Hall. Alex's word of the day was--


"Maybe it won't be so--"

"Bullshit." Alex cut George off holding out a palm. I looked up at him nervously. He just winked at me and slotted his fingers through mine,

"Dumbledore'll be back." Fred said as we walked into the Great Hall and to our seats, "He came back in fourth year so why wouldn't he again?"

"He wouldn't leave me here! Alone! With a teacher like toad face! Bullshit!"

"Lottie!" Harry waved us over. I signalled to my three shadows where we was now heading and we were all soon kneeling on the bench in a small clump around Harry, Ron and Hermione, "I take it you've heard about--"

"Umbridge? Yeah, course we have. It's everywhere H, spreading like wild fire."

"You don't think anything bad's gonna happen, do you?" Harry asked, seemingly nervous. I sighed and sat down properly, followed by George then Alex then Fred,

"Harry, it's--"


"Yeah, that too." I nodded in Alex's direction, "But no. Umbridge being supposedly 'headmistress' is not going to make 'bad things' happen."

"Come on H! Lighten up!" Fred said. Harry looked from twin to twin,

"Aren't you going to prank her or something?"

"Why? You got any ideas?" George asked eagerly,

"No." I held out my hand, "Violence is not an answer."

"It's the answer." Alex jumped in, grinning,

"No, but haven't you heard?"

"That the muggles are cloning a sheep?"

"No Alex!" Ron hissed irritably, "I heard Ernie talking about it a bit ago."


"Big ears."

"Yeah, thanks guys." I said and hushed the twins, "Ernie saying what?"

"Apparently, Umbridge was trying to get up into Dumbledore's office and it's sealed itself shut. Completely unreachable. Every password and none of them works. Umbridge had a right tantrum, so he reckons."

"You know, you can't believe every word that comes out of his mouth."

"I bet that would've been good to watch." Alex nudged me and grinned,

"Urgh, I expect she really fancied herself up there." Hermione grumbled,

"In Dumbledore's office?" I asked. Hermione nodded, then unexpectedly threw her palms on the table. The cutlery clattered slightly upon impact,

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