Louis' kids sick- for Jazz1482

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"Reckon you can help with Tyler this morning Sweet?" Amelia asked her daughter hopefully,  smoothing Laney's sweaty fringe out of her face.

Arin nodded and left.

She packed herself and her little brother up for school and then headed out, swinging his hand in hers as they started walking.

Arin lasted most of the day before realising why her vomit tolerance had been so low. As the hour ticked by she found herself drooping further and further, feeling cold and sweaty hunched over her desk. Halfway through her last period math class her gut twirled warningly and she hurriedly asked the teacher if she could leave.

He nodded carelessly and told her to be fast.

Arin ran to the closest bathroom and collapsed in the first stall, throwing up her lunch before she even had the chance to register it properly. She wiped her mouth with wide eyes as she tiredly flushed the toilet. She definitely hadn't been expecting that.

She stayed in the bathroom until the last few minutes of the period, knowing that she'd need to collect her bag from her class before she left. Her teacher seemed to have forgotten shed even left the classroom in the first place.

The bell went and Arin stumbled down the stairs to the gates. Her head had started throbbing mercilessly and he stomach was completely jumbled, throwing up had royally messed her up and now she was feeling pretty bad. She had to pick up Tyler though, her parents wouldn't be impressed at all if she left him there.

"Hey Arin!" Tyler yelled as he bounded over, waving his arms about. Arin winced and touched her finger to her temple.

"Hey dude" she gave him a tight-lipped smile and laid a hand on his small back, "let's go."

They walked home slower than usual. By the time Tyler noticed they were pretty much home already so he decided to leave it. He knew how stressed and tired his older sister could get during the week.
Arin's key was buried at the bottom of her bag when they reached the house so she just kicked the door a couple of times. Usually someone would come and let her in but today no one seemed to be coming.
"Do you have your key?" Tyler questioned innocently.
Arin groaned in annoyance and rubbed her upset tummy as she put her bag on the ground to rummage through it. After a few minutes her fingers tightened around the familiar metal object and pulled it out before sliding it into the lock. The moment the door was open Tyler was rushing to the house, pushing past Arin so he see how his twin was doing.

Arin kicked her shoes off and locked the door behind her, her figure slightly curled over. She felt sick again, like she was going to throw up. She threw her bag to the ground and hurried through the house to the bathroom. Her stomach churned and moaned angrily as she leaned over the porcelain, waiting for the inevitable. She would've called out for her parents if she'd had the energy, for now everything she had was going into trying not to puke.

Her will wasn't strong enough to beat her stomach in the end and soon enough her insides were spilling out of her yet again, hitting the water with a splash. She shut her eyes tightly and leaned away from the toilet, arms laced around her belly.

She flushed the toilet and shakily stood, leaning on the basin heavily. She splashed some water onto her face and opened the cupboard behind the mirror, tiredly scanning the pills until she found something that looked like it would help. She swallowed two pills dry and tied her sweaty hair up into a scraggly pony tail before heading to her room for a lay down.

The bed looked so inviting and she literally just fell on top of it and then wormed her way under the duvet. It was a bit warm under there but it was comfortable so she didn't bother moving. When one of her parents came to check on her they'd deal with it.
The next time Arin opened her eyes she could tell time had definitely passed. The sky was almost black outside her window and she was definitely going to throw up again soon. Still though, no one had been in to see her.

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