Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Well," Artemis sighed, "then we'd be in for the long haul."

You couldn't help but nod, raising your glass and clinking it against Artemis'. 

Zatanna rolled her eyes then pulled out her phone, clearly messaging someone.

"Who you talking to?" You asked. Zatanna jumped slightly, quickly shoving the phone back into her pocket.

"Oh, no one - just trying to help someone with homework." She then turned to the rest of the group. "Alright, quiz time, girls!"

You couldn't help but roll your eyes, knowing exactly where it was coming from and where it was leading up to. 

"Out of all of the boys in our team, who would you date and why."

You and Artemis let out a groan at the same time whilst M'gann immediately answered the question.

"Oh, well, that's easy since Conner and I are already dating, and-"

"That might have been too easy for you," Zatanna said with a small laugh, the other girl flushing slightly, but smiling nevertheless. Zatanna then turned to Artemis, raising her eyebrow. "What about you?"

"No one," she stated simply, leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh, come on," you said, finally falling into Zatanna's game. "There's gotta be someone - perhaps a special speedster that we all know about?" You suggested in a hushed voice. Artemis glared at you as you continued to laugh when a sudden sound of someone choking caught your attention. You glanced around, yet saw nothing.

"Did you hear that?"

Zatanna's eyes widened as she continued to cough. "A-ah, y-yeah. I'm fine, (Y/N). Just got caught off by that." Your eyes narrowed in suspicion. "But, uh, moving on - who would you date then, Artemis?"

You looked back to Artemis who was looking out the window uncomfortably.

"I guess it would be. . ." she mumbled off, speaking into her hand as it rested on her chin.

"Would be," Zatanna pressed on. Again, none of you could hear what she was saying. "Okay, M'gann," Zatanna began, "look into her mind and-"

"Fine! It's Wally!"

"Knew it." "Knew it."

You turned to Zatanna with a slightly shocked expression that was mixed with a smile after speaking at the same time.

"We all knew it!" M'gann said with a laugh as Artemis continued to avoid eye contact with the rest of the group.

"So, you actually fell for his personality?" You asked.

This time, Artemis turned to you. "I know. I was surprised too."

You couldn't help but let out a snort, then, a sudden whining from Zatanna caught your attention.

"Uh, Zee? You okay?" 

Zatanna let out a laugh, running a hand uneasily through her hair. "Oh, it's nothing, I just - you haven't answered the question yet."

The group of girls turned to you like a pack of wolves. You glared at Zatanna. "I don't like anyone," you stated.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N)!" M'gann begged as she grinned eagerly at you. "There's gotta be someone you like!"

"Like I said before," you began, "I don't like anyone."

"I don't believe you," Artemis said, a sudden wicked smirk on her face as she spoke. "Isn't there a certain little bird that you talk to, oh, I don't know, all the time?"

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