Chapter 12

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I woke up at 6:00 in the morning
I got up and eat breakfast until my phone started ringing I slowly slowly slowly made my way to my cellphone very pissed off that some one called me while I just sat down to eat breakfast
"Hello" I said in an angry voice
"Hey this is Michael did I bother you"
"Michael? No no no you didn't bother me" I lied
Well um we just found your husband in a "restaurant with another woman."
"Yes..but it seems like it's not an affair it looks like business wise"Michael said sounding worried.
I began to go in deep thought
What is it he's hiding from me? Why is he doing this to us? Why is he risking our relation—"

"Uni are u there" Michel yelled
"Uh ya.. sorry" I said nervously
"Are you sure I mean I can come over"
"I'm totally fine. Michael thank you"
"Ok I will continue to get to the bottom of this"
"Yes. Thank you again" I said

not to long sedie came in with an very excited smile on her face
"well look at you what's with the smile" I ask
"I have an date"sedie said flopping on sofa happily

"Hummm is he cute"
"Of course he is we met last night"
"Yayy I'm totally excited I can do your make up and help you find cute dresses" I said clapping my hands
"Haha I knew you would say that" sedie said
"Never fails"
"But enough about me but how is Michael and you hummm?"
"You say that like we are going out or something" I said rolling my eyes
"Well ya you two kiss" sedie said making puppy eyes
"But Michael did call me this morning he said that he was in a restaurant with another woman"
"Oh my god" sedie said
"I know right sigh* i don't know what to do"
"Wellll we can go shopping plzzzz"
"Ya shopping dose cheer me up"
"Yayyyy lets goo"

Michael pov
I sat in my office thinking
Sh* is getting deeper then ever the one thing I'm worried about is Uni she beautiful she's sweet she's everything she dose not need to  go through this but I truly feel like she's still in love with her husband.
Lee walked in hitting Michael desk multiple times.

"Wtf man !!" Michael yelled
"hell I caught day dreamin man" lee said
"Was you day dreaming about that kiss you had with uni" lee started laughing
"That's none of your business"Michael said trying not to laugh

"Why won't you just ask her out" lee said
"I think she's still going to be with her husband" Michael said sadly
"No hell I doubt that.her husband treat her like she's invisible you can treat her so much better.just ask her go for it"

" you know what. I think your right" Michael said smirking
"Yaaa that's my boiii"lee said exactly.

Me and lee continued our work throughout the day still working on
uni's case.
Author: Hello my fellow readers I know I have not posted in a while but I will be adding more chapters to this book and my other books as well.
I will have another chapter up for this book in the next couple of hours so be on the look out.

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