Chapter 27: Derek's Inner Wolf

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Derek's POV


I kept a close eye on Peter, he was still holding Nicole while she kept crying softly. I knew she was in pain, the death of a family member can hurt. I knew that, my whole family was killed. Sitting back against the wall I took a quick glance at Drake's body, he laid there, unmoved. His hand still on top of his wound, and head tilted to the side some. I exhaled a breath shaking a bit. For some reason I keep thinking that he might not be dead and still alive, but it's not true. I can't turn back time.

Though there's a problem still in my head. Why did Drake just let death come to him? It's not like him to let that happened, he would of fought for his life, but not this time. He just laid there, dying. Also when he told Nicole about that blood promise, he can't protect when he's dead. Ugh, I exhaled another breath running my hand through my hair.

So many mysteries.

I stared down at the ground for a few minutes when Peter spoke,

"I hear someone coming." He whispered quickly and I tensed. Looking at him he put his finger it his lip telling me to be quiet. I listened and heard the footsteps also, they were walking fast. I stood up quickly, another headache hit me and I stumbled a bit, my back slamming into the wall. Dame, something weird is happening to me. "You ok?" He said and I just nodded my head, forcing myself to stay standing.

"Get Nicole up, now." I told him and he looked down at her biting his lip.

"Uh, she's still out." He told me and I punched the wall with my fist. Crap, who knows what's going to happen. "Nicole, get up." He said I glanced over and he was shaking her lightly. "Nicole." He said again a little louder.

"No use, sit her against the wall and get up." I told him and he did as I said. He walked over looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "What?" I questioned and he blinked looking at me.

"You sure your ok?" He asked and I just nodded my head.

"Just a bit light headed that's all." I said just as I heard that dreadful noise of rock scrapping against rock. I closed my eyes shaking a bit, something's going on with me. I flinched my head jerking to the side painfully. "What's going on?" I growled angered. Clenching my fists when I heard a deep voice laughing, I struggled to move my head towards the voice.

"Hurts doesn't it, Derek Hunter." The leader of the Darks laughing loudly and I growled at him my eyes narrowed. He stared down at me smirking."Ahh, you remember that chip I placed in your tooth when you were little Derek Hunter?" He asked and I kept growling.

"Just get to the point." I snarled, trying to stay standing, but my body was trying to sit on the floor.

"Yes, well I'm controlling you. Watch." He grinned evilly, my hand quickly wrapped around my neck. I gasped grabbing my wrist with my other hand trying to pull it away. He laughed again along with some others around him. "Though I don't have full control, you still have power over your body, but I have a new device that with let me have full complete control of you, the silver wolfchild, Peter Rider, and Dra-" He stopped suddenly his control of me disappeared and I took my hands away from my neck inhaled a large breath looking at what he was staring at. "Uh, is he sleeping or something?" He asked and the guys around him shrugged their shoulder.

"He's dead, A girl names Nikki shot him." Peter growled his canines out and his eyes gold, he was standing a few feet in front of Nicole who was still out, or sleeping though I doubt that.

WolfChild: Return of Darks [ book 2 ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora