Chapter 11: Slient

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Chapter 11

Hey sorry for the late update but right now I'm getting ready for the opening night of the school play and I get to wear zombie make up! Lol.


Nicole's POV

"Show me." Harry said and I nodded my head. I closed my eyes and though of the grey smoke that appeared on my arm earlier. "Are you trying?" He then said a few minutes later and I nodded my head opening my eyes.

"Yay why? Isn't it working?" I asked and he shook his head, Drake and Jason were looking at me with eyebrows raised.

" But we saw it just a few hours ago." Drake said and Jason sighed shaking his head.

" Yay, but I don't know why it isn't working now." I said looking at my arm and the I heard someone snap their fingers.

" Drake give me your arm." Jason said and Drake looked at him weird before lifting up his arm. I looked at Jason and saw his eyes change and his canines come out.

"DUDE! Are you going to bite my arm!?" Drake said pulling away his arm from Jason and Jason nodded his head.

" Maybe if Nicole sees you in pain, that power will come out." Jason said and Harry shook his head.

" Not now, anyways it's late. Get to bed." Harry said and Jason nodded his head, his canines and eyes changing back.

" Come on girl." Drake said patting my head like a dog and I rolled my eyes while following them out of Harry's office and upstairs. "I don't get how you couldn't have that power appear. " Drake said and I shrugged my shoulders, I don't get it either.

"Like I said, maybe it only comes with Nicole sees someone close to her in pain." Jason said and Drake rolled his eyes.

" I know that!" Drake said stopping me and Jason. " Problem is how Nicole can use it when needed and if it can do more." Drake added and I nodded my head. He was right, could this new power do more?

" I'm going to bed." I told them and they just nodded their heads, I left them in the hallway talking while I went to my room.


Drake's POV

"Do you think it could work?" Jason asked and I nodded my head, but I was still unsure.

" It might but we need some help." I said and he nodded his head. " Maybe some from Harry's pack will help?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

" Some might, some might not." Jason mumbled and I sighed shaking my head.

" To have this work we'll need maybe two others about our age to help." I said and he nodded his head.

" Yay, your right on the age thing. But the problem is to cover their sent and to have none." Jason stated and I nodded my head. Maybe Harry has something that could cover their sent to make it like they don't have one.

"I'm going to bed, see ya." Jason mumbled and then he turned around and headed to his room. Ugh, life is just complicated when your a wolf. I ran my hand through my hair before heading to my room.

It's been a long day.


"Drake! Drake! Get up!" I heard Jason yelled and I opened my eyes and looked at him with an eyebrow raise.

" What!?" I asked annoyed and he sucked in a breath.

" Nicole's missing." Jason said and he quickly back away from me before my canines came out and my eyes changed.

"WHAT?!" I yelled standing up and he just nodded his head. "Where is she!? And what the hell time is it?" I asked noticing it was still dark outside.

" I don't know, Harry is already getting some of his pack members gather up to search." Jason started as I quickly went to Nicole's room and looked around but it was empty. " Oh, and it's like five in the morning." He added and I growled.

"I'm searching the woods." I said heading downstairs and Jason sighed shaking his head.

" Harry kinda doesn't want you out searching." Jason said and I stopped quickly and turned to him.

" Why?!" I demanded.

" He's afraid that maybe a Dark might of got her." He said quietly and I growled again even louder my nails started to grow and I felt myself starting to change. Next thing I know I was grabbed by the neck and thrown to the wall, I gasped and opened my eyes and saw Harry looking at me angered and annoyed.

"I wouldn't kill Jason if I were you." He said and I growled at him.

"I need to find her! She's important to me!" I barked at him and he snarled which made me shut up, dame his Alpha power.

"She might of gotten kidnapped by Darks and your another target the Darks would want also." He said and I just kept glaring at him.

" I don't care if I'm caught, but when it comes to my sister-" I stopped lowering my head a bit. "-I get out of control." I said my voice deep again, dame it's be a while since my voice has been deep.

"What's up with your voice?" Harry said loosening his grip around my neck a little.

" The last time his voice was like that was when the Dark's leader almost.....killed Nicole." Jason said just realizing something. "Drake talk." Jason said and I glared at him. He is wasting my freakin' time!

"Why I have to find her!" I said angered my voice still deep. I then heard loud footsteps and I turned my head to the stairs and a guy came to view out of breath.

"We found her!" He yelled and I relaxed. My god if that was bed news I w- "But it doesn't look good." He interrupted and I growled again.

"What happened?" Harry asked still holding me by the neck and the guy looked at me and Harry weird. "Do you want him to attack." Harry said knowing what he was going to said and the guy nodded his head.

"She was kidnapped by Darks-3 of them-and I guess she killed them but she lost a good amount of blood and she haves a lot of wounds on her one side." The guy said I kept growling. "She's still in wolf form down in your office with a nurse." He added and I turned to Harry.

"Let me go see her before I snap." I told him and he looked at me for a long minute before letting go of my neck and I quickly dashed downstairs and to Harry's office. I slammed the door open and scared the nurse helping Nicole. When I saw Nicole I almost shifted. She was laying on her side and their was blood everywhere, her fur was a matted, her back leg looked broken, wounds and scars everywhere. I walked over to her slowing and bent down next to her. She was whimpering softly and she opened her eyes to look at me for a second before closing them again.

"Nicole, girl listen to me." I paused for a second and she just whimpered. "Think of that power that healed me, think of that power only that it's covering you." I said and she inhaled a short, deep breath.

"I can't." Her voice was dry and weak.

"Nicole you have to, no why can you live if you don't." Just saying that made me angry and sad, she can't die not now. "Please girl." I said and she whimpered and flinched.

"I can't feel my b-"But she stopped and whimpered loudly, I looked at her wide eyed. NO!

"Nicole, girl, don't leave me! You can't die!" I said shaking her lightly.

She fell silent.

But, not dead.

She's still breathing.


Mwahahahaha I'm so evil. Don't you guys just hate cliff hangers, I do sometimes.

WolfChild: Return of Darks [ book 2 ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin