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“Come on, if we run faster maybe we can see what are they doing!” the little girl shouted to her sister as the dark sky made it impossible to look. Jade wanted so badly to tell her that everything was a mistake, but she couldn’t stop her anymore.

The dark forest came even closer as their home went even further. Jade hated her sister curiosity to take night trips, there was nothing dangerous by this sides, but she always hated the darkness around.

“Come on Jade, we can’t be late, not this time!”

What Jade hated most was the tales of the dark woods, the ones with witches that were told before sleep. Of course she didn’t believe it, but what could possibly do 5 women in the woods alone. And that was the true reason of her fear.

“Karla we should stop, please, is dangerous!” Finally she took control of the situation but now it was late.

“Shhhh….they will hear us if you talk so loudly!” Karla gave her an annoyed look with big blue shiny eyes hoping they would do witches doing real magic.

“Let’s go, there are no witches out there! It can be dangerous!” Karla didn’t hear her though, she moved around the long bushes when they finally could see in front of them. Jade was astonished, almost like it was in those crazy dreams. In front of her was found a big circle with five women staying in different part of it, equidistant from the big red fire in their middle. Each one of them was whispering a long speech like a pray or spell holding on their hands unrecognizable things.

Jade covered her mouth and Karla’s too in time before any of them screamed. It was true, she though, everything was true. The Jade remembered all the bad things, dark magic, the full moon….everything terrible witches did. Not able to control herself Jade started to pull her sister after her.

“We should go, now Karla! Let’s go!” Jade thought that a simple whisper couldn’t be heard in the middle of their ritual only that one of them rose in her feet keeping a golden cup in her hands.

“For the ones that come and for the ones who go, let the power of true blood go! And it harm none, do what you will!”

It happened almost immediately. The sky started to scream with rain and a terrible wind. The stars where gone and the fire was over now with only ashes reminding there.

Jade didn’t wait longer. She grabbed her sister by her arm and pulled her hard after herself. There was no reason for them to stay even longer inside the dark forest. She didn’t remembered well how many minutes was the way back to home, it looked as an infinitey to her even that Karla was using her own feet.

Jade jumped quickly in the window, helped her sister and together run quietly up the staircase. Only when she was back in her own bed, Jade could start breathing normally with her heartbeats turning calm again. But what had feared her most was the burning pain in her right hand. It was so exhausting and so terrible to her. Only near the down she dared to see what was burning so much in there and what she saw was incredible…..

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