Chapter 9

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(3rd PoV)

"Alright brats, come over here! I'm about to announce who will be in the S-Class trials coming up in 2 weeks!" Master Makarov yelled.

"C'mon (Y/N), let's go see if we got in!" Natsu said excitedly to his little sister as he dragged her to the very front of the stage, where Master Makarov, Mira, Guildarts, and Erza were standing.

"I'm positive that we got in Natsu-nii, so calm down!" (Y/N) said as she and Natsu got to the front of the stage, where Lucy, Wendy, Happy, Carla, and Hiri were at.

Gray suddenly appeared and walked up next to (Y/N) with his usual appearance of no shirt. "Do you think you got in, Gray?" (Y/N) asked as she glanced up at Gray. He shrugged as he stuck his hands in his pockets, "I'm not sure."

"If Stripper got in, then I'm sure that I'm in too!" Natsu said loudly as he grinned. "What did'ya call me Fire-Breather?!" Gray yelled as he butted heads with Natsu. "You heard me Ice-Pole!" Natsu retorted back.

A tick mark appeared on (Y/N)'s forehead as she stood in between the two bickering idiots. She then punched both Natsu and Gray in the stomach, sending them to the floor, "You idiots better stop arguing or we're not going to hear who got into the S-Class trials..!"

After Natsu and Gray recovered, Master Makarov announced the names.

"Natsu Dragneel!"

"Gray Fullbuster!"

"Cana Alberona!"

"Elfman Strauss!"

"Freed Justine!"

"(Y/N) Dragneel!"

"Levy McGarden!"

"And Juvia Lockser!"

Natsu and (Y/N) fist-bumped each other as they heard their names. (Y/N) simply shot Gray a grin while he gave her a smirk.

"I knew you were going to in!" Hiri exclaim as she flew towards (Y/N). "Aye sir! I did too!" Happy said as he flew in behind her.

After Master Makarov explained when they were leaving and what the rules were, everyone dispersed. Natsu went off with Happy saying that they were going to go train, Gray was talking with Loke, and (Y/N) was talking with Lucy, Wendy, and Hiri.

"You're totally going to become an S-Class wizard (Y/N)-san!" Wendy said cheerfully. Lucy nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you got this (Y/N)! No one can even come close to how powerful you are."

"Except maybe Natsu-san, since you two are twins and use the same magic."

(Y/N) gave them a weary smile as she ran a hand through her hair, "Yeah you're right. If we have to fight each other, it's going to be tough. My brother is tough. An idiot yes, but also tough. I'm sure you both know how he gets whenever he's 'fired up.'"

Lucy and Wendy both nodded. 

"But you're strong too (Y/N)!" Hiri spoke up.

(Y/N) grinned as she nodded, "Yeah you're right. But I need to get stronger because that's what Nii-chan is doing! I've got to train harder!" With that, (Y/N) said goodbye to Wendy and Lucy and went off to go train with Hiri.


(3 weeks later)

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I feel fine!" (Y/N) said before leaning over and throwing up in the trashcan next to the bed.

(Y/N) and basically everyone else were in the infirmary surrounding (Y/N), who was in a bed throwing up constantly and with a mild fever running.

"Imouto you do know that you're throwing up right now, right?" Natsu asked as he stood beside his little sister's bed. (Y/N) wiped her mouth and sat up with her arms across her chest.

"You have food poisoning (Y/N)-san." Wendy said sadly as she stood beside Natsu.

"I told you that you shouldn't have eaten that whole chicken that you bought from that guy on the side of the street, but noo you never listen to me." Hiri said to (Y/N), who turned her head away from Hiri, mumbling under her breath.

Master Makarov stood at the foot of the bed and spoke, "I'm sorry to say this (Y/N), but since you are very sick and we leave today for Tenrou Island, you cannot take part in the S-Class trials this year."

(Y/N)'s face immediately went into a sad frown as she looked down at her hands, which were now in her lap. She nodded slowly in understanding, "Okay Master.. I understand." 

Wendy then spoke up and bowed, "I'm so sorry (Y/N)-san! I would use my magic to heal you, but Carla wants me to conserve my energy for Tenrou Island in case someone gets hurt. I'm really sorry (Y/N)-san!" 

(Y/N) gave Wendy an understanding smile as she shook her head, "It's okay Wendy, don't worry about it. Carla is right about you conserving your energy for Tenrou Island."


After that, everyone, besides Natsu, left (Y/N) to go finish preparing for the trip.

Natsu pulled up a chair next to (Y/N)'s bed and sat down.

"Don't do anything stupid and get hurt while I'm gone, alright? I'm expecting a big welcome back party for when we come back and they announce that I'm the new S-Class wizard, so be ready alright?" Natsu said with a big grin. 

(Y/N) chuckled as she nodded, "Same goes for you nii-chan. Don't get hurt while you're over there. Also please don't make too much of a mess on the island. It's the resting place of the first master and I'm sure that she wouldn't want it in a big mess."

Natsu reached over and ruffled (Y/N)'s hair, "I'll try my best."

(Y/N) chuckled again and hugged her brother lightly, making sure not to get too close.

A knock on the door and it opening made the two siblings break apart from the hug and look who it was.

"Lucy said that she's your help with something." Gray said as he gestured to the door. Natsu nodded and looked back at (Y/N).

"Don't have too much fun without me Imouto. I"ll be back soon so don't you worry." Natsu said before giving (Y/N) another hug and leaving.


(Y/N) looked at Gray with a tired smile, "I was wondering when you would come see me."

Gray rolled his eyes and stood next to the chair that Natsu once occupied. "You were gonna call me over here anyways if I didn't come on my own."

(Y/N) grinned as she nodded, "Damn right."

"Anyways, you better not lose during the first few tasks in the trials or I am going to be very disappointed in you."

"What makes you think that I'm going to lose? I intend to win. No matter what. So don't you worry your little self."

"I'm not little!"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"Ugh. Just try your best out there. Also keep an eye on my brother for me. I want him to come back safe and sound. Same for you. I want the both of you to come back to me. I don't know what I would do with myself if you guys don't come back."

Gray sighed and ruffled (Y/N)'s hair, "Didn't you just hear me, Fire-Girl? Don't you worry your little self. I'll make sure that we come back safe and sound."

"Promise?" (Y/N) asked as she stuck out her pinkie finger towards Gray.

Gray looked down and locked his pinkie with hers, "I promise."


After Gray and mainly all of the powerful members of the guild left for Tenrou Island, (Y/N) decided to get some well needed rest.

She rolled onto the side of her body and pulled the blankets up to her neck. She closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep.

'I'm holding you to that promise Gray. You, Natsu-nii, and everyone else better come back safe and sound.'

The Salamander's Sister (Gray Fullbuster x Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now