Chapter 3: Shadows of a boy gives a girl new worth

Start from the beginning

Son? Who is this girl?” said my father as he popped up behind me.

ahh dad shes no one!” I said scared of what he would do next.

Hes after her isn’t he! Hey monster! We've got the girl right here!” said my father drawing closer to Kari.

Yes! That’s her Sama'el wants the girl and he will stop at nothing to see her destroyed!” said the dark voice walking to us.

No kid! Stay back, I don’t want to hurt you but I will!” I said trying to protect her.

Out of the kids way you brat! I want to see what he will do! Maybe he will rip her to shreds!” said my father grabbing my hand.

Get your hands off of me! I have my mission to protect her so I will!” I said standing up to my father.

And just who in their right mind would make you of all people in charge of a worthless human like her?” said my father was he grabbed her by the hands.

I said get your hands off of her!” I said becoming angry.

What! Who the fuck you think your talking to!” said my father.

I'm fucking talking to you! Elemental power: Fire wisp!” I yelled as I began throwing spiraling fire balls at him. The fire balls hit him directly in the arms, releasing his grip on Kari.

Oh boy you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life! You want to fight well I will give you a fight ominous power: sacred mist of death!” my dad yelled while holding the palm of his hand at me.

That's enough son! Now instead of tormenting your children, why don’t you help me get rid of this demon!” said my grandfather as he blocked dads attack.

what ever old man! And Jonah, I will deal with you later boy!” said my father.

Jo..Jonah! Are you OK?” said Kari noticing me walking away.

Mind your known Kari, I will fine!” I said trying to change the subject.

I then picked myself back up and I tried to guard Kari from that horrible boy that was coming her way. I then created more Fire balls and through them at him but they just bounced off of him like bouncing balls on concrete. He then laughed at my pathetic display of power, I had no choice but to surrender because my weak powers weren’t nothing to stop him. Grand dad and my father held him back with their powers but the monster seemed to absorb their powers and then grow bigger.

Wow your powers tickle!” said the demonic boy as he geared to tackle them.

Hes just feeding on our power! Lets just give him the girl dad!” said my father.

No Kody we will do no such thing!” I said my granddad giving him a dirty look.

All this talk is beginning to annoy me!” said the boy. “Now get out of my way! Now taste my power, Darkness shearing blast!”

The boy then raised his hands up when the air, releasing a big blast of dark energy. The energy had a horrifying aura to it and it fell to the ground like black pin needles. I could hear the sharp sound of the needles rip into the flesh of the other ominous phantoms protecting the village. All this pain made me think, why am I protecting this girl when I don’t know her? Shes not important to me? I know I have an order to protect her but do I save the others by losing one? These questions filled my head like a dark Mary-go-round of stupid questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2012 ⏰

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