He held the letter out to her and nodded, "this was the first one. Please read it."

Victoria hestitated for a moment before taking the letter, opening it up.

To her suprise the letter was handwriten, which was unsual for Tommy.


Dear Victoria,

I can't believe you just left me like that. I may have committed unforgiveable actions but you didn't even give us a chance. You didn't even stay a few minutes to let me explain to you what happened.
You threw away everything that we had, everything we went through and everything we could have been. That's down to you, not me.
Polly is angry with me for doing what I did but she doesn't understand, neither do you.
None of you understand that all I ever do I do to keep my family and loved ones safe.

But you're just the one that got away.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Thomas Shelby.


After reading the letter she folded it back up and slipped it back into the envelope.

"When you left, I blamed it all on you. Just because it was easier to accept it was fault." Tommy mumbled rubbing his face softly.

"Yes Tommy you were to blame. But we can't change what happened, nor would I want to." Victoria shrugged putting her hand softly on his shoulder.

She glanced over at Timothy and smiled as he played with his rattle.

"There was a reason behind why I did it. But first I want you to be able to understand how I felt." Tommy spoke softly as he flicked through the envelopes picking one of them out.

He held it out to her and when she looked up at him she noticed his eyes glossy, as though a tear could slip at any time.

She put the letter to the side and wrapped her arms around his shoulders pulling him in her embrace.

Numerous nights had passed when Tommy held Victoria while she cried herself to sleep, just so she wasn't alone during her worst times. She couldn't sit by and watch the strongest man she knew on the verge of tears, without the love he needed.

"Crying isn't weak. It's a way of expressing your feelings. Like laughing when you're happy, or shouting when you're angry." Victoria whispered softly running her hand through his hair. "It's just an emotion. So go ahead and cry. It's perfectly okay to cry."

She knew by the way he held onto her and the way that he finally allowed himself to feel his emotions, that he had kept them in for quite some time.

"I'm here Thomas. It's me and I'm back," she whispered into his ear.

After a while of finally letting his emotions out he pulled away. His face red and swollen, and not from the injuries he got previous.

"You feeling better?" Victoria asked putting her hand on his shoulder, rubbing lightly.

Tommy nodded and rubbed his eyes as he let out a slight smile.

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