It had been like seeing the light at the end of a tunnel, finding out about massage healing. Something quiet, where he could have his own practice. It would be drama free and best of all, he would still be able to help people, mentally, emotionally and physically in a way that was lasting and could really make a difference in their lives.

Why he decided to upset that peace by allowing in Draco Malfoy, of all people, was beyond him.

Harry took a swig of his drink and flopped into a chair at the breakfast table, mind replaying the events of their meeting for the hundredth time.

Truthfully, he'd mulled it over for ages before accepting Malfoy because, despite what Malfoy seemed to think, Harry was no idiot.

He knew that the other man would only come to him if he had no other choice.

Seeing Malfoy today only confirmed it.

After three years, Malfoy had changed in subtle ways. His shoulders seemed broader. He was slightly taller. The most telling differences though we're the dark circles around his eyes, making the grey pop from the contrast. He was thin, bordering on skeletal when Harry briefly saw his exposed back. Not to mention the quiet disdain with which he had always addressed Harry was muted, though still there.

Harry's stomach twisted and he realized with some surprise that he was worried.

What he'd ascertained from Malfoy's head trauma was that the injuries were indeed serious.

With other clients at least, Harry could ask them questions and trust their answers. With Malfoy, Harry wasn't so sure.

The information he gave was telling but vague. He was hiding things and with their history, Harry wasn't sure he blamed him.

So how was he supposed to build trust between them with all the twisted memories in the way?

He had a week to come up with something.

Malfoy was his patient now, after all. Harry wanted to help him.


Seven days later and Harry was no closer to being ready for Malfoy sitting in his waiting room, let alone laying on his massage table.

He'd done well with his medic training, even better with his internships at St. Mungo's and then Winslet Magical Massage Clinic. Even so, he felt all of his confidence leave him as Malfoy leaned back against the table with his arms crossed, watching Harry closely, just like last time, as though he was the one assessing Harry.

"So did you feel any improvement after our last session?" Harry asked.

Malfoy shrugged nonchalantly.

"I managed to get a few nights sleep," he drawled. "For a few hours, anyway, if that counts as an improvement."

Harry nodded, squirming like a bug under a microscope.

"Right, well it can take some time. We'll both need to keep working on the areas that have been aggravating you."

He waited for a response but none came.

"Er, if that's all, you can get onto the table. I'll be back in a moment."

Harry let out a rush of air as the door closed behind him.

Malfoy's tenseness was contagious. Harry's entire body felt like an elastic pulled too tight.

He went to the crowded staff room, collecting his Grapeseed oil and mixing some calming essential oils into it, despite the possibility that again Malfoy wouldn't let him use them.

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