Chapter 18: Gabrily

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Hey, guys. I'm sorry for not updating, it's just that after the Taki's chapter, I wasn't really sure how I was going to set up the rest of the story. I think I have a basic idea of what I want to do now. Thank you for reading and I plan to update a lot more in the future.


Knowing that Tessa would finally know the truth, Cecily took a deep breath and began getting herself ready for her date with Gabriel. Her dress was fairly simple, a mid-thigh length black dress with spaghetti straps. She was just finishing when she heard Gabriel , knocking at the door.

"I'll be there in a second!" Cecily shouted as she put on the last of her makeup. When she opened the door, the first thing she saw was Gabriel. He was leaning against her door frame with one hand and holding a single almost violet- blue flower in his other. Before she got the chance to kiss him, he leaned close and tucked the flower behind her ear.

Gabriel whispered, "For you, madam." Cecily started laughing quietly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Next, she hooked her arm through his and laughed, "Shall we away?" "Yes, we shall." Gabriel answered, in the same mood.

Cecily didn't know what Gabriel had planned for the date, so she was naturally very curious. "As much as you know I absolutely love a surprise, where are we going?" Cecily asked sarcastically. Gabriel chuckled in response, "You'll just have to wait and see. Oh, that reminds me." Gabriel pulled a blindfold out of his jacket, "Do you mind wearing this?" 

"Yes, actually. I do mind. Very very much. However, I can deal with it for you." Cecily replied. Gabriel put the blindfold over her eyes and led her to a car. "Thanks, I promise you'll love it." he said as he helped her into the car and closed the door. 

On the way over, Gabriel and Cecily mostly stayed quiet other than Cecily asking continuously where they were going before she gave up. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, however, it was the kind of comfortable you could only have with someone you felt safe and familiar with. 

After the car stopped, Gabriel led Cecily out of the car and after some quick teasing, he took the blindfold off of her. Cecily gasped slightly  when she saw where they were. Gabriel set up a picnic in her favorite trail from when she was a kid. 

"How did you know? I don't remember ever talking about this." Cecily asked Gabriel. Gabriel laughed and replied, "Will was talking about you running away to here all the time last week. He was trying to convince me that you would run away if I ever asked you out. I most definitely do not want you to run away, but I thought this would be a funny idea considering."

"Speaking of which, thank you for being okay with me not telling Will yet. It's just that you two... you know," Cecily thanked. Gabriel sat down and patted the spot next to him, "Yeah, it's fine. I'll be happy as long as I have you."

Cecily happily sat next to him and they ate for a while. They talked about anything and everything. Soon all of the food Gabriel had packed was gone and they just laid down. By now it was sunset and the sky was a mix of colors. "Do you want to dance?" Gabriel asked after a few minutes. 

"Why not? Do you want to use my phone or yours?" Cecily giggled. Gabriel handed her his phone and replied, "My phone has 80% and I know that your phone is only on 10%. Pick a song."

Cecily went to Youtube and picked out a song. "So you know how every one has their guilty pleasures?" she said cautiously. "Yeah." Gabriel replied. 

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