Me: Thanks for trying to help Marissa. I'll talk to you later I guess...

Marissa: Bye Noah

Me: Bye...

Peyton walked out of the room, her face pale ad shocked. She stood there for a few moments, before she looked at me. I got up and walked towards her, taking her hand in mine. She didn't move an inch, as if she was somewhere in her own world. I tapped her shoulder gently, and she snapped back to reality.

"What's wrong Peyton?" I probed.

"Oh, nothing," she replied.

"What'd Dr Nickolas say?" I asked.

"Not much. He just spoke about how Ryan's injuries are healing, and that he sadly still needs to do him surgery when he wakes up. I just...remembered that Ryan has a high chance of dying, so I got a little upset," she managed to say.

"Don't be upset Peyton. Remember what I told you last time. Don't lose hope..." I reminded her.

Don't hope too much. Because that 'too much' can hurt you so much...  I fell silent and walked with Peyton out of the waiting room. She wrapped her arm around my waist and sighed. She didn't say anything while we drove home, and neither did I. It was an awkward silence between the two of us, and I didn't know whether or not I wanted to break it.

When we got home, it was night already, and we both went to our rooms without saying a single thing. I lay down in my bed and sighed. Why were we acting so weird? I kind of felt bad for not speaking to her. After five minutes of thinking, I stood up and walked towards her room. I opened the door, ready to tell her a 'sorry' or 'goodnight'. But I just stood there silently, staring at her. She was sitting in front of her suitcase with all her things packed.  

"Peyton...what are you doing..." said, my word trailing off.

"I...I'm sorry Noah. I didn't want to say this at the hospital in front of I'll tell you know. Ryan woke up...and I just got a call from the hospital saying that I have time to speak to him before surgery..." she explained.

"'re going to leave me..." I managed to say.

"Noah please. Don't make this harder than it already is for me. I don't want to leave you...and I never would want to. But I have no choice. It isn't up to me Noah..." she sobbed.

My heart dropped. She was leaving...this was real. Don't love too much. I felt like I was there was no point living this moment. Tears were forming in my eyes. I was crying. Something that I don't do unless I'm really hurt. And if this isn't "really hurt" then I don't know what is. Peyton walked towards me and looked into my eyes, crying as well.

"I don't want to leave this place. But I have to. I must go back to Ryan. But it doesn't change who you were to me Noah. I want to thank you for everything. For all the words you told me and for all the help you gave. You showed me that it's possible to be happy, even when it seems that everything is going wrong. If I didn't have you in my life...then I would never have learnt that. I am leaving, but all the memories of you will never leave me..." she whispered.

She wrapped her arms around me tightly, crying into my shirt. I hugged her back, tighter than I ever have before. This is probably our last hug ever. This could be the last moment I ever spend with her.

"I'll always remember who you were to me Noah Grey..." she said.

"And I'll always remember who you were to me Peyton. I've always dreaded this moment. I knew that there would come a time where the two of us will leave one another. You were the one that made me happier, and I'll never forget that about you. When you go, keep in mind that I'll never forget you, and that I love you so much Peyton Wells," I whispered.

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