I hope you change ...

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“Maddyy,” I saw his eyes go wide as I answered.

“Are you sure about this? He has been talking about how much you hate him and how sorry he is nonstop.”

I nodded and followed the man to a booth with glass in between each side and only a phone to communicate through. It wasn’t long after I had sat down that I saw Tyler walking towards me in his orange jumpsuit. He looked happy to see me, but I couldn’t help to notice the bags under his eyes.

The bags that I had put there by putting him here. I frowned and felt the tears coming to my eyes, I knew being a rat was going to hurt people but I didn’t think I would feel so terrible about it.

I already had the phone to my ear waiting for him by the time he had his. “Don’t cry Maddyy this isn’t your fault.”

I felt the tears slide down my cheeks as he said this. “Hey Tyler.”

He smiled at me and put his hand on the glass. “You know I’m really sorry Maddyy. For everything.”

I tried to look away but couldn’t find the strength I really didn’t want to remember him like this. I wish I could remember him as the guy I feel in love with forever.

“I know Ty. I know. I’m really sorry too. I loved you so much and you deserved so much better then me. I just wish that you could have found her and left me alone.”

I saw his face twist in pain when I said loved instead of love.

“You don’t love me anymore?”

Tears continued leaking down my face, “You’re changing for the worst and I can’t love you unless you’re the guy that I once knew.”

I put my hand on the glass so it was positioned right over top of his. He smiled, but I could tell he wasn’t happy by the way the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

I tried to think about anything that would help me not cry anymore.

“Time’s almost up!” yelled one of the guards.

“So I guess this is goodbye?” he asked.

I just smiled.

“I love you Maddyy. Now and forever.”

I still sat there thinking and watching him as they took him away. Ten minutes after he was gone I still sat there staring at his empty seat wondering if I had a do over if I would do everything the same way.


Tyler’s POV

She didn’t love me anymore; that made me want to give up my will to live. I couldn’t kill myself though. I couldn’t make her think she was the one that made me do it. She didn’t deserve that.

I knew she loved me once upon a time and maybe sometime in the future I could make her love me again, if I got out of here.

“Anderson, Tyler.”

I looked at the guard and knew what was about to happen. “Here.”

He pushed me into my lonely cell and locked the door. Most of the people in this jail were Bloods. So I had nothing to worry about. In the back of my mind I still couldn’t help but blame my father for this. If he hadn’t made me join I would be free planning on what to do after graduation.

Now though, I wasn’t even going to graduate from high school. Instead I was facing five to ten years in prison.


Maddyy’s POV


I watched every trial. Everything that happened I saw play out in front of me. I sat silently in the back when they locked away everyone of my ex gang members in prison for life. I’m not going to lie, I cried for them. I was there when they locked up Tyler’s dad for life too along with his gang.

Tyler was last and even I could see the regret in his eyes from the very back corner of the courtroom. He sat in his chair and kept his head high as he waited for the verdict.

Two to three years in prison with a possible early release with good behavior, I was happy with that. Maybe that would give him some time to change and grow up. I only hoped the best for him.

I left the courtroom that day knowing exactly where and to whom I was going. I knew what I had to do with the rest of my life and who was going to help me with it. I just had to find them in time.

I sped all the way there without worrying about getting a ticket, I didn’t care if I got one though, I had the money to pay for it. It didn’t take me long to reach the place I was trying to get to.

I run out of the car leaving it running and ran into the house without knocking; luckily they had left their front door unlocked. I didn’t have to go far when I finally saw him.

He looked up and smiled at me. Without giving it a second thought I jumped into his open arms and let out the breath I had been holding since I had seen him.

“Lets go somewhere and start fresh,” I whispered in his ear.

*Author’s Note*

So who do you think she is with now? Haha! Hoped you liked the chapter two more left and then the story ends. I started my new book! I won’t really be adding anything to it until April 8-9th. Sorry! But when I upload I plan on uploading about five chapters that day!

Title of my new book:      Tattoo My Secrets!


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