Chapter 7

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Travis's POV


I looked in my full body mirror, that hangs in my room. I swear this mirror must be stretched out, because I don't remember being this toned.

I held my chin as I got a good look at my face.

I might have a chance with confidence, as long as I keep my cool with Heidi.

I don't think I can do that.

Ugh she makes me feel so warm somewhere deep in my chest, and when she teases me, it's almost as if she knows my feelings. Heidi without a doubt, knows how to make me want her even more.

I've never been this needy before, in fact I've always been very bored with life. I think I realize now, that I was just lonely.

I open the blinds in my living room, no wonder I'm sweating, it's really sunny outside. I turn on the air conditioner. As I walk to my fridge, I check what time it is on my phone. 11:38, I can feel my heart pound, as I reach for a cold water bottle inside my fridge.

I begin to drink the water, once I remember that Heidi said she would arrive before 12:00. My body gives it all away, what sucks even more, is that I'm a man and there are many things I can't help about my body, when I see Heidi. It's not only with how excited I am to see her, but for her to come into my apartment. I worry about her safety with me.

I hear a knock on my door and flip, once I realize that my music was still on in my bathroom, once I turn it off, I head to the door.

I smile as I hear the small knocks on my door. Opening the door for her was the easy part, being able to greet her, didn't work out so well.

She wore a pink t shirt with light brown shorts, she parted her bangs to the side with yellow hair clips, her earrings were little white bunnies and her shoes were white sneakers. She smelled clean and fresh as she was sweating a little, everything about her made me stare in awe.

", oh boy, sorry I thought it was a nice day so I told my father, I was going to walk here. It's pretty hot today, especially in dead sun light." Heidi said, after she pulled out her apple sucker.

She's everything.

"Come on in, do you want something to drink? Was the walk okay? I can drive you back today." I said as I lead her inside.


Heidi's POV


As I walk up the stairs to Travis's apartment, I begin to get cold feet. The sun beams on my face with happiness, I sweat like I have a coat of fur on.

I tried way too desperately to look cute today, I wipe my forehead, isn't today supposed to be when I get Hillen and Tomoki together, what in heaven's name am I doing wearing my extra lacey bra for then?

I lick my sucker, eager to calm down, it doesn't help any, that after I told my parents I was going to a guy's apartment to hang out with friends, they got way too happy and excited as they filled me a bag with things I don't even know. All they said was, "Make him feel good."

What does that even mean?

I didn't bring that bag, because the items were odd and weird. I just need to keep my priorities straight, I probably don't look cute at all anyways. I find the apartment number, and knock on the door, as I take in the nice chilly shade. Travis swings his door open and I feel my face burst with flushed cheeks.

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