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Petra's POV: Today, during lunch, I went outside to get some fresh air. Suddenly, a Nether portal appeared in front of me; I took out my golden, enchanted sword. Then, three huge, giant pigmen came out of the portal, I got really scared, and ran to the main office. I told them there's intruders on campus and they decided to do a lockdown.

Jesse's POV: Lukas and I were chatting at our lockers, near by Ellegard's room. All of suddenly, the speaker from the front office had an announcement. "Attention, student. Go to the nearest classroom and remain calm. Repeat, go to the nearest room and remain calm. We're on lockdown."

Both of us went into Ellegard's room, then, saw my friends, the Ocelots and Sadie. "We're so glad you guys didn't get killed by those pigmen." As they walk toward us. "Wait a minute, 'pigmen'?" "Student, stay calm. We're gonna get to the bottom of this." While she lock the door, turn off the lights and went outside.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to stay with us?" "Well the other teachers need me and I can't get them kill by those pigmen. I'm sorry." As she started closed the door. Almost everyone started to panic. Then, there a knock on the door.

Hey, readers. Are they gonna open the door? Find out in the next chapter. BAIII!!!!  

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