Chapter 8

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Tiana's POV

Why did bad things happen to good people?

Why was it me that had to be basically kidnapped by a reality TV star? Anyone, literally anyone would pay to be in this situation, except me.

Not only was it a reality star, it was probably the dumbest, most arrogant, and annoying person I've ever met.

But hey, at least he wasn't a bad kisser.

"Where are we going?"

"Does it look like I know?" I snap, crossing my arms as we continue down the abandoned road. "I didn't choose to be here."

He rolls his eyes. "Do you think I chose to be roaming the streets trying to escape the press?"

I laugh. "Last I checked, you chose to be famous and to cheat someone out of their money or whatever it is you did."

He stops, turning to face me. "You have no idea what my life is like. You think I chose to have everyone following me around? You think I chose to have every move I make monitored and judged? I was born into a family that chose that, it was not my doing."

I cross my arms, unable to keep eye contact with him. "What about the money?" I ask quietly.

He takes a deep breath, looking down at his feet. "That... That was my fault." He turned around and continued to walk.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked, catching up to him, my once elegant, now crusty dress swishing along the dusty road.

He shook his head. "Its a long story."

I laugh, looking ahead at the miles of empty Louisiana road ahead of us. "I think we have time."

"I don't want to talk about it." He mutters like a child, kicking a rock in front of him out of the way. "No one else needs to know."

"Come on," I whine. "I'm not going to tell anyone, I promise. And I have a right to know why I'm in this mess."

"I said I don't want to talk about it." He grumbles.

This is what I had to deal with! The selfish little jerk! He needed to learn that he couldn't pick and choose in life what he wanted. It wasn't like that. It wasn't fair like that. I had a right to know and he is cheating me out of my rights.

My face got hot and I immediately blew up. "This isn't fair to me that you won't even tell me why I'm here right now! I'll turn around right now and go tell everyone where you are!" I threaten.

"Fine," He snaps, looking up at me. "You want to know how I got myself here? I beat up some low life that doubted me, and someone who wants money has proof of it, and I don't have the money he wants. If I don't get some quick cash now, then my entire family name is going down the drain! Happy? Happy you know why I just ruined myself?!" He scoffs angrily and walks faster ahead of me.

"Yourself?!" I scoff back. "This has nothing to do with you at all! You're going to stay America's favorite playboy while you watch your family suffer! While you watch me suffer! Ever thought about that? Ever thought about thinking before you just do? Before you just kiss a stranger?!" His nostrils flare as I say this, his eyes trained on the road before us. "Oh yeah," I laugh. "Thats right, you don't think. Because if you thought, you wouldn't have beat up a 'low life' just because your pride was poked."

"Watch it," He growls. "You have no idea-"

"What your life is like? Yeah, I get it, you didn't choose your fame. But you did choose to let it make you a bad person. You didn't have to conform to their standards-"

The Urban Princesses: TianaWhere stories live. Discover now