Chapter 6

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Nate's POV

I couldn't see my next move coming.

I didn't even know what I was doing, it was just so natural, it seemed so normal. There was a beautiful girl standing in front of me on a beautiful night and I was desperate.

So I kissed her.

For a moment, it was amazing. Unlike her rough hands (unusual for a girl like her) her lips were smooth as marble and tasted like beignets, my favorite.

Our amazing moment ended when I saw a flash of light through my closed eyelids and pulled away, wanting to taste her beignet lips more because I was starving.

I noticed, perched in the tree above us, sat a paparazzo, frantically snapping pictures of us and shouting my name.

"We have to go." I say hastily, grabbing her small coarse hands and dashing off the balcony.

To my surprise, she followed and when I looked back at her, I saw her cocoa eyes widened in shock, I assumed from the many events that just took place in tandem with each other.

I was sprinting down the hall of the mansion with the girl in tow when a giant man stopped us in our tracks.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" He growled, stalking towards us angrily.

"Oh," I laugh, backing away from the scary man. "Sorry I was just trying to find my girlfriend. Found her," I chuckle nervously, lifting her hand for him to see. "Come on, darling, let's get back to the party." Without waiting for anyone else to comment, I bolt in the opposite direction, looking feverishly for a staircase.

At some point along the way, the girl must've come to her senses because her hand slipped out of mine and I heard her heels stop clinking down the hall.

I whip around. "What are you doing?" I hiss, looking around nervously for any unwanted interlopers.

"No!" She shouted, an angry red hue rising to the delicate skin of her face. "What are you doing?! What do you think I am! A cart you can just pull around?! I don't think so!"

"Shhh!" I rush towards her, taking her hands in mine again only for them to be pulled away. "That's not what I was doing-"

She completely ignored me as she stamped her foot and continued to rant. "The nerve you had to j-just kiss me! I don't even know you! And now you're throwing around words like girlfriend?! I don't even know your name! How dare you take advantage of me like that-"

"Shut up!" I shout, unable to contain my impatience anymore. She looks completely taken aback and offended as I command this, but I can't help it. "I'm trying to help you ok?! I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm just trying to right what I did wrong. I kissed you and I'm sorry for that, it was out of nowhere, but someone took a picture of us and that picture is going to be everywhere if I don't get the money I need, and soon. I'm trying to protect you from a life that you don't want so you need to come with me so I can get us out of this mess."

"So you're taking me hostage?" She scoffs.

I bury my face in my hands. "Look, I don't even care if you want to come with me or not, I can't force you to do anything, but I highly recommend you come with me because reporters are going to swarm you if we don't get out of here."

She mulls this over for a few seconds too long. Someone is going to find us here. "Ok. I'll come with you."

I was both relieved and surprised at her response, and didn't waste any time whisking her away.

This time, I was doing less dragging and more sprinting as she was filled with the same vigor I was as we frantically looked for an exit.

"The servant's stairs are this way." She said, motioning her head down a side hall.

I nod in gratitude as I follow her down the stair case, my feet pounding anxiously after her.

"Quiet down!" She hisses as we hit the last step. "If we want to get out of here unnoticed you're going to have to be more discreet than that."

"Sorry." I grumble back, looking both ways into the kitchen at the quick working chefs chopping and slicing and shredding various foods to be served. My own stomach moaned smelling the sweet scent of beignets. I had a sudden urge to kiss this girl again.

"Just act natural." She whispered as she hooked her arm in mine and started striding out into the kitchen, the chefs too busy cooking to notice us.

After that, I thought we could make it out of the party easily, but I spoke too soon.

The only way out was through the back yard, a place where I was almost positive I would be recognized.

"Just act natural." She says again as she notices my discomfort, squeezing my arm.

I nod, swallowing heavily.

Once again, we start to quickly walk towards the exit, but almost immediately a screechy voice shouts "Nate!"

Without a second thought, I take off, pushing through the crowd like a bulldozer, causing many people to shout in anguish and spill their drinks.

Security guards are barreling toward us and I make the quick decision to turn and barrel into the drummer of the band, both the girl and I falling over the cymbals with a clamorous clang.

She springs to her feet before I do and drags me up as we make our way towards the tall white fence riddled with vines.

The entire party had their eyes on us now and we both knew there was no way we were walking out the exit, the only way out was up.

She releases my arm and dashes over to the side of the fence, getting down on one of her knees, soiling her dainty dress with dirt, and cupping her hands together in front of her.

"What are you doing?!" I hiss.

She blows a piece of curly ebony hair from her forehead. "Step on my hands, I'll help you get over."

"Come on, I'm the guy, I can do this you know-"

"Shut up! Gender roles are so 2016! Do you want my help or not?"

I mutter curses at the stubborn girl as I take a running start and leap onto her cupped hands just as she thrusts them upward, making me soar up so I was eye level with the fence.

I quickly outstretch my arms and grab the top, my feet dangling below me. I muster all the strength I have in my showy abs that are more style than actual substance and swing a leg up so I straddle the fence.

I look down below at the girl who kicks off her heels and latches onto the vines snaking up the fence, getting her foot into a nook and propelling herself up the fence.

I reach down and grab her arm, using all of my strength to pull her up to my level.

Just as my arm is about to give out, she latches onto the ridge of the fence and hoists herself up, not taking a single breath before leaping down the other side.

I take one last look behind me before I follow her lead to see almost all of the party guests watching in awe as the guards attempted to scale the fence the way we had.

At the front of the group is a petite girl with enough makeup on her eyes alone to fill a Sephora, her small mouth hanging open in disbelief.

I smirk at her and wink before leaping down after my comrade.



Last week was probably the bestest week of my life and I got a lot done and slayed a lot of bitches (excuse my French) and this week is off to an even better start so hopefully I can get yall some more chapters real soon!

Still wondering why Fatal Attractions has 20 readers when there are 50 of you here??? GO CHECK IT OUT :)))))

How are we liking this so far? Coming up with a good substitution for frogs was difficult but I thought the paparazzi thing would be clever. What do you guys think? Drop some comments and suggestions!

Be my Valentine <3,


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