Losing the baby?!?!

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"Johnny we need to talk" i say rolling over in bed. He gives me a concerned look and nods.

"What is it princess?" He asks with impathy

"I dont...i dont want to..." I start trying to speak steady. I can see johnny is getting impatient. I sit up and take a death breathe.

"I dont we should keep it" i say. I can tell johnny was getting angry and i wasnt aure how to feel.

"How can you say that em? This is the best thing thays ever happend to us" he starts. Then i argue back. "NO ita the worst. We are still young and I cant raise a child. We both arent mentally ready. We are like mentally 5 still" i complain.

He gets out of the bed and walk to the bathroom. I start to frown and i see him walking twords me. He grabs the keys and walks to his side of.the bed to get his shoes.

"Johnny why are you acting like a bitch, i just fucking said what i thought was best"

"I dont agree, I can't believe you would even say that"

"Leave I dont fucking care anymore" i huff turning on the tv.

"I didn't give a fuck if you cared or not. Bye" he said walking out the bed room door


Then johnny was gone. Then Ariel came in.

"Whats all the cursing about?" She asks laying next to me.

"I dont want to keep it. Johnny does" i say getting out of the bed.

"Im sure it nothing. Maybe he'll understand" ariel says smiling.

"Yea....maybe" i finish.


I wake up to hear a bang on the bedroom window. I couldn't eveb see who it was.

"Johnny is that you?" I ask

"Yea" he says back turning on the light.

"Im sorry....i just.... I dont know..." He starts. "I went to the hospital and sighned some adoption papers just in case" he finishes.

"I want to keep it. I really do, the postion we're in to keep is just to hard" I struggle to say.

"Its just too hard" I start to cry.

"I know, i know" johnny says hugging me.

I try to wipe my eyes but more tears keep rolling down my face. Johnny pulled me close into the tightest hug.

"I would never want to give some one up to another person, it's just so hard" I mumble.

"There was only one way that i could shut you up but i guess. We cant do that anymore" Johnny smirked.

"You nasty boy" i say playfully punching his arm.

"When do you go off for tour?" I ask kind of whining.

"Tonight actually, I told Lauren to come stay with you while I'm gone"

"Okay, promise me that you'll bring a NY t-shirt back" i laugh

"Promise" he smiles.

I slowly fall asleep on Johnnys chest

I feel a kiss on my cheek. I slowly look up and see Johnny grabbing for his last few things. I pull him back close to me and give him a kiss.

"Love you babe, the week will past rigjt before you know it" he says.

"I hope so" i say back.

Lauren watched johnny go as she layed in his side of the bed.


"Its Wednesday at least. Johnny will come back on sunday" Lauren says patting my head.

"I have a doctors appointment. You coming?" I ask grabbing the keys.

"Didnt you just go last weekend?" She asks.

"Yea but i haven't felt the baby move at all this morning" i say walkinh out the door.

"Im pretty sure its just sleep but okay, i'll go" Lauren says sprinti g to the car like a little girl.

The doctor came in with a sad face. "I have your test results" she saod frowning.

Lauren gave me a concerned look as she got up out of the chair.

"Yes" i say nervously.

"Y-you....erm....you lost the baby" she says.

I start to cry and so did lauren and i had to stay to get the baby taken out of me.


"Johnny, please come home" Lauren says into the phone

"Why?" He asks

"I need you....please come" i start to cry

"What? Your scaring me, what the hell just happend.?"

"We lost the baby" I cry even harder
It gies quiet for a moment but he began to speak again

"I'll buy to a ticket for you to come to  NY right now" he says hanging up.


Sorey i made this so sad but ye cliffhangers

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