Their back together

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"I don't have on anything get out" I say trying to shoo Johnny out of the room.

"I've seen you this way before" he said laughing.

"Multiple times" he laughed harder.

I made a look at him because it wasn't funny. Then he walked out of the room and left me alone.

I hear Johnny on the piano. I get this idea. I get dressed quickly and slam my hair in a bun.

I walk up behind I'm and press like 5 random buttons on the keyboard.

"I SWEAR TO GOD" he yells kinda smiling.

I fall over the couch and I start to laugh really hard.

Then he comes over and tickles me until I beg for mercy.

"If I stop then you have to let me give you a kiss" he says.

"O-o-ka- y" I manage to get out.

He stops. Instead of a kiss he starts making out with me.


"AYE!" I yell chasing Johnny around.

"Gimme my cookie!!" I yell.

"NEVER!" He says.

I chase him into the piano room. He has no where to go o he shoves his cookie in his mouth.

"MY COOKIE" I whine/yell

"Let's just go listen to my new song" he says with crumbs flying out of his mouth.

He blasts it in the house.

"I never stop missing you!, baby you should know, and I wish I way kissing you" the song says.


Johnny left his phone unlocked so I scroll through some messages.

Wanna hang out today?
You can get away from that Emma girl.


Okay I'll be over soon. I'll tell her I'll be at the studio like always.

My blood boils and then he comes back on the room. He looks at me not knowing what I saw.

"Emma what the hell?" He yells.

"As much as you fucking cheat on me I should cheat on you!!! If I cheated on you was much as you cheat on me I'd be cheating for a year!!" I scream.

"Emma why are you looking through my phone?!" He says

"I know it was wrong." I yell

"Call of everything. The wedding. The engagement. Call it all off!" I scream.

I storm off into the extra room. Slammed the door and locked it.

"Why does this always happen to me?!" I yell punching the wall.

I cry uncontrollably and throw my ring at the door and keep crying.

"What was that?" He asks at the door.

"This stupid ass ring!" I yells shoving it under the door. Honestly why do I go back everytime when I know he's gonna hurt me?

*2 months pass*

He seems happy. He still calls me but its not like I answer. Everyone is so mad at him but why should they be. Aren't they used to this crap?

I hear my phone ring and it's Lauren calling me. Ugh. This time I'll answer.

"Hello?" I say with an attitude.

"H-help he won't stop crying and he always does this but he's hurt this time. Really I can tell. He won't stop. Just come please" she begs.

"What? I don't understand" I say back.

"Just come. HURRY" she says.


As soon as I step foot it this house Lauren grabs me and forces my ear to Johnnys bedroom door.

All I hear is sniffles and very quiet cries.

"What is he crying for?" I whisper to Lauren.

"GO FIND OUT" she says pushing me in his room.

He hugs me right away and I can see his face. It was red, puffy, and wet. I know he was crying.

"Sorry, Emma, sorry" he kept saying.
He said it a billion times while I was hugging him. I felt bad myself. He was really hurt. He was very hurt.


"Johnny I'm so sorry I over reacted I didn't want to hurt you like that" I say holding back tears.

"I should say sorry I cheat on you a lot" he said.

No you don't.

I kiss him and he kissed back. Then we drove home.

I got on the passengers side of the car. He smirks at me and I have know.

"What so funny?" I ask him.

He says nothing and pulls up to the house. As soon as we get there I find myself laying in the bed.

⚠️ SKIP ⚠️

I was laying there watching Johnny undress himself then me.

He puts it in and I moan. And it starts.

"Daddy" I moan.

"Hold on babe" he says.

I keep moaning and everytime he goes faster and faster.

"UGH YES" I moan.

Then he says "let it out baby girl" he says.

So I let me liquid flow out. And he starts sticking his tongue in me.

And before I knew it was finished.

⚠️ ITS OVER!!! (Tf is wrong with me?)


The next day I'm throwing up like crazy.


Dirty little secrets// Johnny Orlando Where stories live. Discover now