Part 2 - The Real Austin

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                     "Austin?" I asked very confused.  "What do you want?"

                "I'm sorry about all of that," He said while taking a seat at the desk next to me. I blushed. What could he possibly want? "Are you ok"

       "well, my friends dumped me and announced to the entire school that my mom died and that my dad lost his job, so no I'm not ok," I actually giggled and my remark although I was in a terrible mood. I wiped the stream of tears off my cheek.

     "I know how you feel," he said looking at me seriously with his ocean blue eyes. "That's impossible, how could Austin McDonald, the schools most popular boy, prom king, and star football player know how I feel?" I started full out laughing.

     "My dad died when I was 10, I had to live with my grandparents for a couple months while my mom tried to get a job again, and I practically raised my younger sister," He looked at his hands and started fiddling with his thumbs.

    "I-I had no clue. Austin I'm sorry," I can't believe he knows how I feel. All this time I had a crush on him and didn't even know the real Austin. I was blinded by his looks.

    "Ellie, it's ok. You didn't know," he looked my in the eyes again. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He actually was the perfect guy.  "Ellie, the harvest dance is in a month. Will you go with me?" Did he? No! He did! Austin McDonald asked me to the harvest dance. "Is that a no?" He pretended to be offended. "uh," was all I managed to get out. "Here let me help you decide," He leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back. It was heaven for about 10 seconds before we pulled away.

   We sat staring at each other. Austin kissed me! Kissed! Life was amazing.

    "Austin! Lets go! We're going to be late!" Angelica walked in the classroom. Maybe not so amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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