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They get into the truck again and drive along the motorway.

'Our next stop is near Dijon,' said Andy. 'Dijon is in Burgundy. They make wonderful wine there.'

'I don't want any wine,' laughs Kim, 'but I do want some coffee.'

They arrive at the truck stop just before four and sit down in the cafe. Suddenly Andy says, 'Someone's looking under the truck!'

Through the window of the cafe they see a fat man in a green shirt. He takes something out from under the truck and goes to a red car.

'I don't like this,' says Kim quietly. 'Let's go!'

A few minutes later, Kim looks in her mirror.

'Andy,' she says quietly, 'There's a red car behind us. And the man in the green shirt is driving. Why is he following us? He's got his parcel.'

'No, he hasn't,' says Andy with a laugh. 'He's got our sandwiches. And I've got his parcel. Here it is.'

He opens it carefully. In it are about fifty small white paper bags.

'What's this?' says Andy.

'Drugs, I think,' says Kim. 'And the man in the green shirt wants them. He doesn't want your sandwiches, and he's angry. We're in danger, Andy. I must do something.'

The red car is only a few metres behind. Kim stops suddenly. The red car  runs into the back of the truck.

Kim drives away again very fast. In her mirror she sees the man in the green shirt standing by his car.

'He can't follow us now,' Andy says with a smile.

But the man is very angry and quickly takes out a small black mobile phone.

DRIVE INTO DANGER (TAMAMLANDI)Where stories live. Discover now