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S U G A R M A M I : zero

Time flies so fast that Jisoo's graduating soon, and she's very excited even though she won't be even reaching the university because of things.

First of all, financial problems- her family can make her study at a university but they can't pay the whole tuition fee there so. Second, her mother is sick- she stays at the hospital when she gets home and take care of her mom.

"Okay class, I need to announce something." their professor, Mr. Park says, making the whole class go quiet.

Jisoo just stared at the board, listening as Mr. Park speaks.

"So since you all are going to graduate soon, and y'all are gonna be college students already! Oh how time flies- Anyways, the principal and I have been talking about this scholarship that we'll be giving to the student who deserves that. Mostly, scholarships were given to poor people who studies hard. I can give this one to Kim Jisoo, not only because she couldn't afford college but also she's a very hard working girl! But then, according to the principal you all need to take a test today and tomorrow, all subjects. " the professor explains as the girl's eyes widen.

Is he serious? But he might not give that scholarship to me. She thought, resting her chin to her arm as the professor had dismissed the class.

She grabbed her backpack, fixing her shirt and put her hair up in a bun as she rushed outside running to the library.

Luckily, before she have arrived at school she brought herself two pieces of chicken- Jisoo's favorite food.

She told the librarian she's going to eat inside but promised not to make a mess so the librarian agreed as she took a seat where no one can see her eating and studying for the tests until tomorrow.

"Gosh even if I pass that test, Dad and Mom won't let me go to uni. " she mumbles to herself, as she frowned taking a bite from her hot fried chicken and opened her book and starts reading.

She tried to remember everything that is written on the book so she could pass the test.

Her fingers slowly held the page and turned it to the next page and started reading again.


"Brooo! " A voice shouted, making Jennie flinch as she walks and turns around as she saw her best friend Jackson.

She quickly rolled her eyes at him, hitting the guy playfully. "What do you want Wang puppy? " she asks annoyed.

Jennie is going to the library but not to study but admire Jisoo's beautiful face.

"Where are you going? It's almost time we gotta go back before Mr. Park gets mad and send us to detention! " Jackson says, frustrated as the girl stares at him blankly before shaking her head.

Jackson is one of those students who looks like a prankster but is actually a very nice student, has good reputations and good grades- all the teachers loved him!

And let's add how hard working he is.

"Go already, I'm going to study for the test. " she swiftly lied as the guy nods running back on the room while the girl walked to the library.

She entered the library nervously as she tries to find the typical seat where Jisoo always sits at.

The back- where it is all quiet and no one's gonna disturb you when you're studying or reading a book.

As Jennie saw her, her heartbeat rises up making her cheeks turn red.

"Am I inlove with this chic? " she asks herself, slapping her own face making Jisoo looks up making eye contact with Jennie.

"Uh, hello? " Jisoo whispers, making Jennie's stomach fluttered as thousand millions of butterflies has erupted at her stomach.

Her voice makes Jennie melt.

She's so pretty oh my god- Jennie mentally slapped herself making her go back at reality. "Uh, h-hi. C-can I sit here? I need to study for the test. " she stuttered making the other girl look at her in confused.

Holy, she looks so darn adorable when she looks confused or lost- the girl smiled at Jennie and nodded, "Sure."

And then Jennie has took a seat in front of Jisoo making her seat across her.

They sat there in awkward silence, Jisoo is still reading while Jennie took out her book that is very heavy and now she's thinking why didn't she get a locker when she's very rich.

Jennie just stared at the book, the lessons were actually boring for her so she just stare at it so Jisoo can believe that even though she has this shitty attitude, she still manages to study.

Suddenly, Jisoo looked at her watch saying its almost five meaning they had to go back to the classroom because the test is gonna start any time now.

"Yah, let's go now. It's almost five, we can't miss those tests, I need to answer that for the sake of my college. " Jisoo says, gathering her things again as she runs outside the library, while Jennie is following her.


bad starting but its jensoo who cares :)

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