Chapter 1: Discovery of a Million Lifetimes

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Chapter 1: Discovery of a Million Lifetimes

1:03 (Local Time)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Year 2120, December 20

"I've found it!"

"You really think so?" Kassandra peeked over Steve's shoulder and stared down at the fossils on the table.

"I am absolutely positive. Look at these bone indentations...and the dates!" Steve gestured around the bones while pointing at the fossil records.

"Oh my...they are exactly the same."

"Right. This fossil dates back to 65 million years ago. That's when..."

"...the dinosaurs went extinct. Oh my God." She gasped as she held her hand over her mouth.

"That means humans did exist when the dinosaurs roamed the earth for the last time." They broke into smiles and hugged each other.

"I need to get this into the computer right away." Kassandra pulled away, grabbing the papers. She changed the records of human existence. From 24 thousand years ago... to 65 million years... She smiled, saving it.

"Come on, let's pack up. We have had a long day and I need my beauty sleep." Kassandra dragged Steve along to help her pack the equipment and evidences.

Just as they were wrapping things up, a phone blared through the dim room. Steve shot Kassandra a questioning glance as she hurried over to answer the call.

"Hello? Li speaking.... What.... Now?.... Ugh we will be on the next flight." She groaned into the phone as she put it down. Guess she is off to another all night-er.... wait we?!

"What do you mean we will be on the next flight?!" Steve exasperated, "I have had enough for today. You would be wise to follow me and get to bed. This has already been your third night!"

"I know I know, but Anderson said we had to get there this instant. Said it is important and I quote 'vital to our research'." She formed air quotes in the air with her fingers.

"How so?" His eyebrow raised.

"They found another fossil over at Easter Island inside one of the moai."

"The what?" He tilted his head slightly and scratched his head.

"The head statue things on Easter Island." She recited with a bored look.

Inside?! His eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped. Those idiots cracked one open?! That's against the law!...I think.

"Yes, our colleagues are idiots but they did not crack one open. It was simply degraded due to weathering." He said that out loud? "And yes, you did say that out loud." She giggled as she patted a certain red-faced man on the head.

"Come on. Let's go!" She slapped him on the butt as she strutted out with her travelling bag. She spared a wink then went out the door. Steve felt heat all over his face. He knows a man blushing is not always ideal in attracting the opposite sex but what straight man wouldn't? Kassandra is a very attractive young woman. He always dreamed of-

"You coming?" Kassandra's head poked out from the door, a sly smile still plastered on her face. Dazed, he stumbled over to her dragging his bag. "Yes, ma'am!"

She giggled as she skipped to the taxi waiting outside the lab. The solar roadways lit the street lamps, running on battery power awaiting for the sun's light. Reaching the airport, they hurried over to board the futuristic aircraft we now call a plane before it took off without them. Next stop: Rapa Nui, Easter Island.

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