Text Convo #7

39 2 0

Sting: Bro, Rogue, wanna play truth or dare?
Rogue: No, not really.
Sting: Truth or Dare?
Rogue: ...Dare?
Sting: I dare you to tell me who you like.
Rogue: Omg Sting, that's not gonna work
Sting: Tell me or I'll set you up on a date with a stranger
Rogue: fine. I like Kagura -///-
Sting: ok now ask me.
Rogue: Truth or Dare?
Sting: Dare >:)
Rogue: Sorry, Sting, but this is revenge...
Sting: what is? .-.
Rogue: I dare you to confess to Yukino...
Sting: dyisyagkgzf How'd you know?!?!?!!?!
Rogue: I have my ways...now go >:)
Sting: -/////-

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