Are We Really Over?

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Chloe's POV

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see April. She had a comforting look in her eyes, the same one she had when one of her little siblings got upset. I really didn't feel like talking, so I curled up as tight as I could into a ball. April didn't say anything. She just sat down and started to rub my back in a comforting way.

She kept doing this for about ten minutes, when I heard footsteps coming. I looked around to see Lily, Emily, Kelsey, and Candy coming towards me. Suddenly, April said something. "I called the team, and they came as soon as they heard. Strangely enough, Rascal hasn't sho-" "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT RASCAL!!" I screeched at them. I was a wreck! I curled up on my side and cryed until I couldn't breathe.

"What did he do to you?" Kelsey snapped, alarmed. "I'm gonna mess up that joker's face!" (No pun intended) I replied, "Honestly, and this goes for all of you, I would prefer if you didn't mention him again and left me and him alone!" "Ok, you heard her guys, we have to respect her wishes!" Candy told the others. As soon as they left, I regretted my decision. I needed my friends now more than ever.

Rascal's POV

I was sitting invisible in a tree the whole time, watching the events unfold. After the girls left, I crept up behind Chloe. "I'm sorry." Bad move. She stood up and punched me, square in the nose. I winced with pain, but I can't deny that I deserved that. Next, she shouted at me. "Why did you follow me?! I don't know you anymore and I never want to see you again! I hate you!" The last 3 words she spat out at me left me speechless, and before I could say anything, she was gone. My Ice Princess... hated me?

Wait, what that?!
"Glitter Force, Sparkle Storm!"
Just as I turned around, I saw Glitter Lucky behind me, fully transformed. "NEVER go never Chloe again, do you understand?! Our lives were better without you!" I nodded and disappeared in my cards.

Chloe's POV

For the next few days, I never saw Rascal. Of course, he had only come to school to see me, but it still surprised me that he was gone. I missed him like mad, but I shook that thought out of my head. No, he betrayed me, and I don't care about him anymore. Who was I kidding? I still loved him deep down, but hid it because he obviously didn't care for me like he used to.
"Hey, nerd! Rascal's lips were delicious!" I stood face to face with Summer Fedas. "You're a monster! You ruined my first relationship with a guy, but you don't care, do you? You don't care about the guys you kiss or date, you just want to be able to say that you have had a relationship with every boy in the school! Just like a true w****e!" I could almost feel the heat coming off of Summer as her blood boiled. "How dare you insult me?! I am stronger than you, and much more powerful! You are a shrimp compared to me!" "I bet I could beat you up! Meet me in the forest behind the school at the end of the day, and I'll show you my true self!" I smirked as I turned and headed to my first class.

A Misunderstanding. Glitter Force. Chloe x RascalWhere stories live. Discover now