01; to our future

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a/n: I honestly love superhero movies so much but I've never really taken the time to write fanfiction's about them because I'm worried I would screw them up like there is so much detail in a superhero movie it's crazy. but I think starting with Fantastic Four and especially the 2005 one will be good. And my love for Chris Evans is undying so enjoy. lots of love, ash ❤️❤️

I scurried behind Reed and Ben as we entered the massive building. A welder's torch sparks in the hands of a sculptor on scaffolding. This is art, an epic 30 foot statue going up of a business mogul, the business mogul himself Victor Von Doom. The statue's in whose generously extended hands sit two objects.  His face is chiseled, angular, perfect, almost too perfect. Past sparks, Reed and Ben head toward the soaring glass-box atrium of VDI Headquarters. Designed to inspire awe, it does.

"Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30 foot statue of himself" Ben says as we look at it.

"Well aimed at first time visitors to create feelings of... smallness, inadequacy" Reed spoke looking to Ben then me. Ben glances at Reed, who looks a little nervous.

"Good thing it ain't workin... Reed, what are we doing here? This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science-"Reed cut Ben off mid sentence.

"This wasn't our first stop, in case you forgot NASA. And Victor's not that bad. He's just a little... Larger than life" Reed had quieted down Bens start to the complaints and I smiled lightly at him. We moved past the statue, into the sprawling atrium.

"He's financed some of the biggest breakthroughs of this century" Reed explained.

"You'd never know it" I stated sarcastically as I motioned to a high-tech ORB, showing footage of VDI's accomplishments: a safe and clean nuclear facility, the first private Space Station.

"Some days he makes me mad other days I'm to impressed to even be mad" I said and Ben chuckled at me. All images had Victor front and center, glad-handling George Bush, Tony Blair, shady International Leaders. The last image is Victor holding the America's cup.

"Jesus. That too?" Ben asks but we both ignore him as we approach three very stern receptionists.

"Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Emma Geller to see-" one receptionist cut him off handing each of us a pass.

"Executive elevator, top floor" she instructed and we all nodded.

"What's the price for a smile round here?" Ben asked and I smiled.

"They're all to brainwashed to give one" I joked and Ben lightly shoved my shoulder.

"Guys I know it's just banter but I'm a little nervous so can we act professional?" Reed asked as we headed for the elevator and we both solemnly nodded. Reed carried a small, black box as we entered the elevator, and the steel doors shut. It was silent as we slowly went up all the levels. Finally we were revealed to a large, dark office. We slowly set up then me and Ben stood in the corner so Reed can do the presentation. He yawns as we watch the bright holograms of stars and planets as they float in the air making the room feel as if we actually were in outer space.

"My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm born on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life" Reed stood among each hologram speaking to Von Doom's mysterious shadow as a red cloud covers the stars and washes over the hologram of the earth.

"In six weeks another cloud with the same elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit. A study conducted in space could fundamentally advance our knowledge about the structure of the human genome, and cure countless diseases, extend human life, give kids the chance to live longer, stronger, healthier" Reed was cut off.

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