It's All Unicorn's and Rainbows

Start from the beginning

“What do you think happened yesterday?” Maddie asked eyeing her friend with curiosity. 

“I have an idea but, we’ll just have to wait. I doubt little miss sunshine is going to tell us anything right now.” Nina answered looking at their friend with the same curious expression her sister had. 

“See you girls at lunch,” Cece chirped and walked to class with a skip in her step. 

Celeste bumped right into Hunter when she rounded the corner. Grinning up at him she looped her arm through his and tugged him to their shared home room. Hunter was more confused than not at the utterly happy look Celeste had on her face. He hadn’t seen her that happy in a very long time and wondered what happen. The answer was like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on him. It all came down to Nate, he just knew it. He just hoped that Nate didn’t hurt her. If he did, friend or not Hunter would beat the crap out of him.

The gossip was still swirling around the school when Celeste got to the lunch room. It wasn’t enough to break through her happy fog though. They could talk all they wanted as far as Cece was concerned. The smile that she had on her face since she had gotten home yesterday was still present. So far there wasn’t anything that could wipe it away. Walking through the lunch line she quickly snatched up a few things and took a seat at their usual table after paying. 

“I see you’re still smiling,” Maddie commented with her own smile. It had been a long while since she had seen her friend smile like she had been, it was refreshing. 

“I’m happy, truly happy.” Cece admitted “I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”

“Are you going to share with us the reason’s why you’re so happy?” Nina asked taking a seat next to her twin.

“You know I will, just not yet.” Cece replied “You’ll just have to wait till we go to Danny’s after school.”

“We’ve waited this long to find out, what’s another few hours.” Maddie grinned. She couldn’t wait to find out (she knew Nina couldn’t either). Though she had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with Nate. 

“Since we wont be talking about why you’re all unicorns and rainbow’s happy, let’s talk about what we’re doing on tomorrow.” Nina suggested 

“Ooh, we should go into the city and go shopping,” Maddie squealed 

“Yeah, I’m in need of a few new outfits.” Nina agreed

“Actually...” Cece said slowly. She knew that now was the time to tell them her plans for tomorrow. “I can’t go.”

“What? Why?” Maddie asked with a little pout. Celeste swore that the twins had perfected that crap.

“Um, well you see...I uh...” Cece was having a very hard time voicing the fact that she had a date on tomorrow. It’s was her best friends so it shouldn’t be hard, but, it was.

“Will you just spit it out woman,” Nina huffed

“Nateaskedmeouttodinneronfridaysoicantcome,” she said all in one breath, not even understanding what she had said.

“WHAT?!” the twins shrieked, knowing exactly what she said. 

Celeste wished the ground would open up and swallow her hole. Because of their grandiose out burst the whole café had gone quiet and was staring at their table. Cece tried to shrink back in her seat so they would see her. This is exactly why she did not want to tell her friends. Least of all in public, especially in school.

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