Loki read over the three words and smirked as he snapped his head up at Sanit. He walked towards her and chuckled deeply as he wrapped his arms around and lifted her into the air. She wrapped her legs around his waist and laughed loudly as she took his face into her hands.

"Sanit, you are a genius!" Loki exclaimed joyfully.

Sanit laid a kiss to his lips, enjoying the look of happiness on his face, knowing she was the cause of it. He made his way towards the bed and laid Sanit down on it. He was elated to finally have a reason to have his way with Elisabete. The emptiness he felt would soon be sated and he was over the moon. In his excited state, he ripped off her nightdress, along with his clothes, and ravished her body. The passion and roughness that he provided Sanit was the same he had given her when they had first slept together. Throughout most of the night, Loki had his way with Sanit. He took his time to ravish and please her body. At one point, when he ran his hand over her belly, he paused momentarily, feeling nothing. A sense of emptiness filled his heart when he himself could feel no sign of a child, yet he continued in his act.

In the hours of the early morning, the two laid in bed awake. Sanit laid on her side as Loki stared up at the ceiling. She ran her hand over his chest and abdomen, trying to soothe him to sleep. She smiled weakly as she laid a sweet kiss to his lips. Loki's eyes then gazed over Sanit's face and took in her features. She had aged in a way that made her look older than she truly was. Almost everything about her had changed. Loki knew that neither of them were the same two people when they met. They each wanted different things either for themselves or from each other. Sanit was poison to him and he would gladly cast her aside. That is what he was planning on doing, seeing that she become filled with jealousy and hatred. However, he cared more about the child in her womb than anything else. That child was his life. It would be his miracle baby, going against all odds to be born. He knew that once his child would be born, he could forget about Sanit. He would care endlessly for his son, going against everything he stood for to ensure his safety. Loki knew that his son would really have to defy the odds by being carried by Sanit. She had become too stubborn for him to handle. She was too independent of him as a person. Neither wanted to bend to the other's wishes or demands. Neither wanted to compromise on anything. Loki was aware that whenever Sanit gave in to his wishes, it was forced and didn't mean anything. He was well aware his son would be in danger if Sanit continued like this. The hatred, stubbornness, and jealousy combined could cause her to lose the child. Sanit needed to release all the tension and worry from her mind. Hopefully, Loki could give Sanit false hope into their relationship, making her believe he would be satisfied with just one night with Elisabete.

Loki smiled up at Sanit and laid his hand on her cheek, caressing the rough skin. Sanit laid a kiss to his forehead and giggled softly.

"I love you, Loki." Sanit spoke.

Loki quickly glanced up into her eyes, reading her expression. It pained Loki to see that she was being honest with her statement, or so he thought.

"Sleep now, Sanit. You need to rest for the baby." Loki told her.

Sanit's smile faded as she took a deep breath and nodded her head before laying her head down on the pillow.

"Alright. Good night." Sanit whispered.

She laid a kiss to his lips and Loki weakly kissed her back. She sighed as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. The following morning, Loki awoke to find Sanit curled around him. He winced as he pushed her onto her side of the bed. From the force of his thrust, Sanit awoke, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Loki pulled back the covers to the bed and stood up straight, stretching his body.

"Love the view." Sanit giggled.

Loki turned around to face her, remembering that he was completely bare. He chuckled softly as he shook his head and walked into his bathroom. He took a shower to get the stench of sweat off his body from the night before. She entered the bathroom after him and entered the shower, wrapping her arms around his torso from behind. Loki sighed softly as he felt her body against his and the two showered together before changing into their clothes. Sanit went to her chambers as Loki went for a walk through the gardens. He had skipped breakfast and the role call, when it came time for it. When he was about to go back inside, he saw Elisabete walking through the gardens. Upon seeing him, she let out a sigh of relief and hurried towards him.

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