Lillie breathes a sigh of relief. Yesterday had happened and there was nothing she can do to change it. Yes, she then submerges herself in the water so her mind can focus only on not drowning.


Fifteen minutes later, Lillie emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her wet body. Nate sat on the bed staring at her forcing himself not to stomp up to her and tear the towel away and make sweet love to her.

Lillie sees him but ignores him turning towards the closet.

"Come here," he said stopping her.

She thinks about whether to defy him or not but knew defying him will get her nowhere. She strolls over to him her body still sore but feeling much better. He pats the area next to him on the bed with a satisfied smile on his face.

She hesitates and he sighs, "I just want to put some ointment on you." He shows her the tube in his hand.

"I'm fine," she steps back. For a second Lillie had forgotten about the whipping that he gave her, but being reminded of it, it angered her.

"Lillie," his voice was stern, the smile on his face gone.

"I hate-" her words were cut by the sound of a motor boat.

Nate's eyes narrowed not too happy about the interruption.

"Get dress," he said already heading towards the door.

When he was gone, Lillie runs to the window curious to see who it was. Two men gets off the boat each carrying bags.

"The groceries!" she remembers.

Quickly running into the closet she hurriedly gets dress throwing on a pair of short and a t-shirt. Urgent but quietly she makes her way downstairs. She stares out the glass sliding door studying the three man, unloading more things from the boat, Nate being one of them.

Putting on a pair of sandal he had provided her, she opens the screen door and ducks out. Shutting the sliding doors, she crawls her way to the enclosed fence, making sure to stay out of the men's sight. She peeks through the opening of the fence and all three men were headed towards the house entering through the main door. This is my only chance.

When the last men entered the house, she gets up and sprint towards the boat.


"Where's the girl?" Ciro, Nate's PA and good friend, asked as they entered the kitchen setting the bags down on the table.

"Upstairs," he drops the bags in his hand as well, "thanks for the stuff, you guys can go now."

"So quick to return to her," Ciro said with a knowing smile.

"Shut up, you're on the clock right now."

"Yes sir," he looks towards the other man, "Let's get out of here."

Nate watches as the two men makes their way back to the boat and take off before he return upstairs. Without knocking, he enters the room.

"Come down sweetheart let's make breakfast together," he said.


"Lillie this is not the type to joke around," he walks into the closet.

His heart starts racing when he found it empty. He runs to the bathroom and it was empty too.

"Lillie!" he shouted. He makes his way downstairs already knowing that she was gone.

Just as he was going to make his way out the door, his phone rings.

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