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“This breaking news, Jefferson in the midst of an affair with Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.”

James chewed down on his pillow, close to ripping it in half as he sat on his white bed. He had taken a long shower when he arrived home since he was soaking head to toe. On his television screen was a news report from a few months ago that he had recorded. Sitting in his fluffy baby blue pajamas, he listened intently to the news reporter.

“A video of this affair was released from Alexander's phone.”

The feed skipped over to a censored scene of two men locked into a sexual embrace. Jefferson and Hamilton, both sweating profusely, they whispered sweet lies into each other's ears. Their lips bitten raw, along with Jefferson’s neck trickled in broken trust.

James growled watching intensely. The pit in his stomach only grew as his hatred for Alexander only heightened. How dare he….

His pillow was now covered in saliva with his teeth grazing the edges was the feed skipped back to the blank news reporter of Samuel Seabury.

“A few days later Hamilton’s wife accused him of cheating and soon divorced afterwards. Jefferson soon admitted to sleeping with Hamilton frequently. And I quote: “I've had frequent meetings with him most of them at my own house. Mister Madison was absent on a visit to his father…”

James threw the remote at the television, untimely turning it off. He threw the pillow at the wall muttering curses under his breath.

“Damn it Jefferson….” He laid his aching body back closing his eyes. “You….you said you were mine…..” He sniffed feeling the hot tears return. “I'm….I'm so stupid…..” With that final thought his mind drifted away to sleep, letting the agony and heartbreak aside.


It was quiet throughout the house. The clicking of the front door opening disrupted the cold quiet air.

James laid dormant under his covers as he snored softly.

The soft, wet footsteps of a large man echoed across the rooms, humming into James’ ears. He flinched, rolling over and blinking awake. “....who…..”

Listening in, he could hear the footsteps cross up the stairs. Scared, he got out of bed and grouped for the under of his bed. Quickly he grabbed a metal bat and slipped out of his room. Considering where he lived, he prayed silently that it was just a wild animal. But his mind gave him every equation of what it could be. A murderer? A burglar? He slowly made his way down the dark hallway hearing the footsteps coming up the stairs. It was too dark to really see but he could make out a tall man’s figure and he panicked.

‘Shit someone is in my house….’ He thought to himself, he tightening his grip on the bat. Mentally preparing himself he began sprinting over to the figure going to swing his bat at its head. “Get out of my-”

The figure grabbed the bat and yanked it out of his hands with ease. “Oh please James. You can do better than that.”

That voice.

“Get the fuck out.” James hissed.

Surprisingly he stepped back. His mind never would have guessed that Thomas, of all people, would break into his house.

“C’mon baby.” Thomas smirked and lay his long hands on James’ hips. “You miss me..”Thomas’ words stung as James swatted Thomas’ hands off him.

“No, f-fuck you.” James felt vulnerable, but he secretly was enjoying this. Thomas grit his teeth and the anger bubbled inside of him.

“Every time James.” He said bitterly as he stepped forward, looming over James.

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